本文介绍了TDD VS BDD:REST服务的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am all confused with TDD vs BDD :)How does TDD and BDD differ in each of below point?

  1. 开发:首先是测试用例,其次是开发
  2. RestService(HTTP):不进行休息电话吗?如果是这样,

  1. Development: Test case first, development follows next
  2. RestService(HTTP): Don't make rest calls? If so,


a) do we return only hardcoded json using a mock object?


b) how to handle REST call failures? We should have test case for that too?


Especially for item 2, i have googled so many articles, but couldn't find a sample (code) approach on how to handle rest calls.


BDD实际上是来自TDD的,因此有点混乱也就不足为奇了! BDD与TDD完全相同(如果您要针对整个系统使用BDD,则为ATDD),但是没有单词"Test".事实证明,它可能非常强大.

BDD is actually derived from TDD, so it's not surprising there's a little confusion! BDD is exactly like TDD (or ATDD if you're doing it for a whole system), but without the word "Test". It turns out that can be pretty powerful.


Particularly, it lets developers have conversations with non-technical business people about what the system should do. You can also use it to have conversations about what a class should do, or a module of code should do, even with a technical expert.


So in the example of your REST service, you can imagine that I'm a dev and you're an expert who knows what the REST service should do.



Me: Okay, so I've done Read, let's do Update. Can you give me an example of a typical update?
You: Here you go.
Me: Fantastic, and you want it to respond just with success or fail. Is there any scenario in which it should fail?
You: Sure. The record shows when it was last updated. If someone else has already updated it in the meantime, yours should fail when you submit it.

因此,您看到可以使用BDD探索各种场景,包括REST服务周围的场景.诀窍是问:你能给我一个例子吗?"然后,您将得到一个具体的示例,如果需要,可以将其自动化.对话有助于我们寻找可能遗漏的 other 个示例和方案.

So you see you can use BDD to explore all kinds of scenarios, including those around a REST service. The trick is to ask, "Can you give me an example?" Then you get a concrete example, which you can then automate if you want to. The conversations help us look for other examples and scenarios which we might have missed.


Don't use BDD tools to automate for a technical audience! BDD tools like Cucumber, JBehave etc. work with real English that's a lot harder to refactor than code. Use JUnit, NUnit etc. if you're just doing something like a REST service. You can put "Given, When, Then" in comments, or make a little DSL.


So now you can see that with your REST call failure, if I were coding it, I'd have an example like:


您可以始终看到,我并没有真正使用测试"一词.测试是BDD中不错的副产品.它更多地用于需求的探索和规范. BDD中的对话是其中最重要的部分.

You can see that throughout, I'm not really using the word "test". Tests are a nice by-product in BDD. It's used more for exploration and specification of requirements. The conversations in BDD are the most important part of it.


The reason it's tricky to find examples of using BDD for REST is first because REST is deliberately simple and doesn't often have a lot of behaviour, and second because BDD's scenarios aren't generally phrased in terms of their implementation, focusing instead on the value of what the service or system provides ("read a record").


TDD and ATDD are exactly the same, if they're done well. It's just easier to have conversations about examples and scenarios than it is to have them about tests.

这篇关于TDD VS BDD:REST服务的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-10 11:13