


If Microsoft's method for using IE as a local host for HTA's then, can I use any other browser instead?



有一个类似的Mozilla项目命名为,但只HTA在Internet Explorer中的工作 - 这两种技术都没有兼容。

There is a similar Mozilla project named XULRunner, but HTA only works in Internet Explorer - the two technologies aren't compatible.

要明确这一点:HTA的可能不会在任何非IE浏览器即可。是的,HTA是在一个窗口中浏览器的控制,但它也有正常的aplication权限(即访问文件系统,注册表,arbirary code执行等)。当在浏览器中运行,这些特权被剥夺(有很好的理由 - 你不想只是任何网页阅读您的文件)。

To make this clear: HTA will probably not work in anything that's not IE. Yes, HTA is a browser control in a window, but it also has normal aplication privileges (i.e. filesystem access, registry, arbirary code execution etc.). When running in a browser, these privileges are denied (for good reasons - you don't want just any webpage to read your files).


So, launching the HTA in a browser will work, but any interaction with the local system will fail, which negates the whole idea. Launching a HTA in XULRunner will also fail, because XULRunner uses a completely different API.


The only scenario that could possibly work is this: a webapp which doesn't use any of the HTA-specific or XULRunner-specific API (i.e. behaves like a normal browser app). In such case, your app might work with HTA, XULRunner, as well as in any browser. Incidentally, this would take away any advantage of using HTA and introduce masive security holes because of the higher privileges; you'd be better off with using Google Chrome or Mozilla Prism for that.


(We've been trying to find a cross-browser solution for some time, and HTA is definitely not it)


11-02 21:18