I have a python script using the boto library on ec2 instance which is part of an autoscaling group. The script processes messages from a SQS queue:
import boto
from boto.sqs.message import Message
conn = boto.connect_sqs()
q = conn.create_queue('queue-name')
while (qin.count() > 0):
m = q.get_messages()
#do something with the message
Does using the while statement make sense? Does count() update in real time as:
- 在其他情况下起飞队列中的消息(还是我要加倍)
- 在新消息被添加到队列中(或我会想念他们吗?)
In this question Processing items in SQS queue with a php script it was mentioned that 'sqs ruby client library has a method "poll" which continuously polls the queue and on receiving a message in the queue passes it on to a block'. Is there an equivalent in Python?
It has also been suggested that the SNS could be used to notify the scripts of the message queue status but I do not see how you could configure a responsive system with SNS as the metric alarms are not fine grained enough.
You shouldn't rely on the count for a queue as it's only meant to provide an approximate count and is not guaranteed to be accurate.
If you want to just keep polling forever, just do this:
while 1:
messages = q.get_messages()
# do something with messages
我添加了调用time.sleep介绍,在循环延迟。 N的值应至少一秒钟,可能是相当多的,这取决于您希望如何迅速的新邮件出现在您的队列。如果你不把某种延迟的循环,你可能会开始得到节流的服务。
I have added the call to time.sleep to introduce a delay in the loop. The value of N should be at least one second and could be considerably more, depending on how quickly you expect new messages to appear in your queue. If you don't put some sort of delay in the loop you will probably start getting throttled by the service.
To avoid a message getting read multiple times, you should try to adjust the visibility timeout of the queue to be a value greater than the time it takes you to process a message and then make sure you delete the message when processing has completed.