


Wa are talking about Non-uniform rational B-spline. We have some simple 3 dimentional array like



Which are points from a plane created by some B-spline

如何找到花键的控制研究点创建的飞机? (我知道,因为这需要计算权重的一项艰巨的任务,但我真的希望它是可解)

How to find controll points of spline that created that plane? (I know its a hard task because of weights that need to be calculated but I really hope it is solvable)

对于thouse没有得到谁的问题的想法 - 索里我书面方式是wwbad - 我们点是飞机在这里呈现的一部分,我们需要找到一个成一个样条哪种解决方案是,提供的平面控制研究点。

For thouse who did not got idea of question - sory my writting is wwbad - we have points that are part of plane rendered here and we need to find controll points that form a spline which solution is that rendered plane.



There are several interpolation techniques that could be used, Global NURB surface interpolation, or Bi-cubic piecewise surface interpolation are reasonable.

的NURBS书由Les A. Piegl涵盖了许多人

"The NURBS book" by Les A. Piegl covers a number of them


09-15 10:50