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本文介绍了ggplot2 scale_x_log10()破坏/不适用于通过stat_function()绘制的函数的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 我终于设法在ggplot2中将我的自定义拟合函数绘制在我的数据上,但是当我记录转换x轴时,绘制的函数完全搞砸了。 看起来像 scale_x_log10()只适用于绘制数据,但不适用于函数。 如何使函数以正确的比例出现? 以下是Hadley的stat_function()文档的修改示例: x qplot(x,geom =density)+ stat_function(fun = dnorm,color =red) 现在使用log10 x轴: qplot(x,geom =density)+ stat_function(fun = dnorm,color =red)+ scale_x_log10() 更新 好的,我想我的例子并不是很有帮助,所以我尝试了不同的方式:基本上我想要的是再现一个我用曲线()做的曲线。 #函数 HillFunction< - 函数(ec50,hill,rmax,x){rmax /(1+(ec50 / x)^ hill)} #拟合参数 hill.args< - list(ec50 = 10 ^ -2 ,Hill = .7,rmax = 1) 曲线(HillFunction(ec50 = hill.args $ ec50,rmax = hill.args $ rmax,hill = hill.args $ hill,x) = 10 ^ -5,to = 10 ^ 5,log =x) )如预期的那样给我一个平滑的S形曲线。现在我尝试用ggplot重现同一个图: 我添加了10 ^ -5到10 ^ 5的一些数据来定义绘图范围,不确定是否存在是更好的方式 p p 一切看起来都不错,就像 curve() $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $,$ = hill.args $ rmax,hill = hill.args $ hill,x),从= 10 ^ -5到= 10 ^ 5) 如果我转换坐标系,我会得到一个S形曲线,但不会平滑,曲线看起来很陡,但也许是来自x缩放: p + coord_trans(x =log10) 如果我将x尺度定义为对数尺度,但停在10 ^ 0: p + scale_x_log10() 我得到以下警告:删除了1500行值(geom_path)。 解决方案 建议的解决方案 以下代码是让ggplot2执行我认为您正在尝试完成的一种方法。 library( ggplot2) #定义函数。装配参数包含在默认值中。 HillFunction =函数(x,ec50 = 0.01,hill = 0.7,rmax = 1.0){ result = rmax /(1 +(ec50 / x)^ hill) return(result) } #创建x使得点在日志空间中均匀分布。 x = 10 ^ seq(-5,5,0.2) y_fit = HillFunction(x) y_raw = y_fit + rnorm(length(y_fit),sd = 0.05) dat = data.frame(x,y_fit,y_raw) plot_1 = ggplot(data = dat,aes(x = x,y = y_raw))+ geom_point() + geom_line(data = dat,aes(x = x,y = y_fit),color =red)+ scale_x_log10()+ opts(title =图1.建议) png(plot_1.png,height = 450,width = 450) print(plot_1) dev.off() stat_function()的问题 stat_function()试图为负值 x 评估 HillFunction() code>。这就是为什么你得到缺失值的错误。 对于任何 x 的0到1之间的值,可以使用c> HillFunction()。它选择 x 在线性空间中,忽略 scale_x_log10()已被指定。 下面的代码说明了这个问题,但我仍然无法解释为什么 stat_function()从 plot_2 = ggplot(dat,aes(x = x) ,y = y_fit))+ geom_point()+ stat_function(fun = HillFunction,color =red)+ scale_x_log10()+ opts(title =Figure 2.)stat_function()行为不当?) png(plot_2.png,height = 450,width = 450) print(plot_2) dev.off() png(plot_3.png,height = 450,width = 450) plot(x,y_fit,pch = 20,log =x )曲线(HillFunction,col =red,add = TRUE) title(Figure 3. curve()behaviour as expected) dev.off() I finally managed to plot my custom fitted function over my data in ggplot2 but when I log-transform the x axis the plotted function gets totally messed up.It looks like the scale_x_log10() applies only to the plotted data but not to the function.How can I make the function to appear in the correct scale?Here is an modified example from Hadley's stat_function() documentation: x <- rnorm(100)qplot(x, geom="density") + stat_function(fun = dnorm, colour="red")and now with log10 x-axis:qplot(x, geom="density") + stat_function(fun = dnorm, colour="red") + scale_x_log10()updateOkay, I think my example was not very helpful so I try it differently:essentially what I want is to reproduce a plot I did with curve(). I fitted a Hill function to my data and now want to plot it:# the functionHillFunction <- function(ec50,hill,rmax,x) {rmax/(1+(ec50/x)^hill)}# fitted parametershill.args <- list(ec50=10^-2, hill=.7, rmax=1)curve(HillFunction(ec50=hill.args$ec50,rmax=hill.args$rmax, hill=hill.args$hill,x),from=10^-5, to=10^5,log="x")so curve() gives me a smooth sigmoidal curve as expected. Now I try to reproduce the same plot with ggplot:I add some data from 10^-5 to 10^5 just to define the plotting range, not sure if there are better waysp <- ggplot(data=data.frame(x=c(10^-5:10^5)), aes(x=x)) + stat_function(fun=HillFunction, args=hill.args, n=3000, color="red")now if I plot p everything looks fine, like the curve() plot without the logscale:pcurve(HillFunction(ec50=hill.args$ec50,rmax=hill.args$rmax, hill=hill.args$hill,x),from=10^-5, to=10^5)If I transform the coordinate system I get a sigmoidal curve but not smooth at all and the curve looks way to steep, but maybe that comes from x-scaling:p + coord_trans(x="log10")And if I define the x scale to be a log-scale the plot looks smooth but stops at 10^0:p + scale_x_log10()and I get the following warning: Removed 1500 rows containing missing values (geom_path). 解决方案 Proposed SolutionThe following code is one way to get ggplot2 to do what I think you are trying to accomplish.library(ggplot2)# Define function. Fitted parameters included as default values.HillFunction = function(x, ec50=0.01, hill=0.7, rmax=1.0) { result = rmax / (1 + (ec50 / x)^hill) return(result)}# Create x such that points are evenly spread in log space.x = 10^seq(-5, 5, 0.2)y_fit = HillFunction(x)y_raw = y_fit + rnorm(length(y_fit), sd=0.05)dat = data.frame(x, y_fit, y_raw)plot_1 = ggplot(data=dat, aes(x=x, y=y_raw)) + geom_point() + geom_line(data=dat, aes(x=x, y=y_fit), colour="red") + scale_x_log10() + opts(title="Figure 1. Proposed workaround.")png("plot_1.png", height=450, width=450)print(plot_1)dev.off()Problems With stat_function()stat_function() is trying to evaluate HillFunction() fornegative values of x. This why you get the missing values error.stat_function() is not evaluating HillFunction() for any x values between 0 and 1. It is selecting x in linear space, ignoring that scale_x_log10() has been specified.The following code illustrates the problem, but I still can't explain why stat_function() diverges so much from y_fit in Figure 2.plot_2 = ggplot(dat, aes(x=x, y=y_fit)) + geom_point() + stat_function(fun=HillFunction, colour="red") + scale_x_log10() + opts(title="Figure 2. stat_function() misbehaving?")png("plot_2.png", height=450, width=450)print(plot_2)dev.off()png("plot_3.png", height=450, width=450)plot(x, y_fit, pch=20, log="x")curve(HillFunction, col="red", add=TRUE)title("Figure 3. curve() behaving as expected.")dev.off() 这篇关于ggplot2 scale_x_log10()破坏/不适用于通过stat_function()绘制的函数的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云! 09-05 20:39