最近我们购买带有USB端口的Tysso PRP-085IIIT打印机,遗憾的是OPOS不支持,它只支持LPT和COM端口,这个收据打印机我们打算将它用于没有的笔记本电脑LPT(并行)或COM(串行)端口。我确实联系了
制造OPOS驱动器,他们说他们的OPOS由于硬件限制而不支持USB。仅供参考。打印机有USB端口,可以从Windows打印。唯一的问题是OPOS。任何人都可以帮助我如何使用它与vb.net应用程序。 thx
Recently we purchase Tysso PRP-085IIIT Printer with USB Port, unfortunately OPOS doesn't support, its only support LPT and COM port, this receipt printer we are going to use it for Laptop which is doesn't have LPT (Parallel) or COM (Serial) Port. i did contact manufacture for OPOS Driver, they says their OPOS doesn't support USB due to hardware limitation. fyi. printer has USB port and it can print from windows. only problem is OPOS. Can anyone assist me how can i use it with vb.net application. thx
While it should be *technically* possible to write your own service object to communicate with the printer via USB, it won't be a trivial task and is probably not worth the effort.
你几乎可以找到一款能够运行的Windows打印机驱动程序。打印机(由制造商提供,或尝试使用Windows XP及更高版本附带的Generic / Text Only打印机)并更改您的应用程序
以便打印到该打印机。您需要使用制造商特定的转义码来控制文本格式等,而不是Pos .Net,但制造商应该有描述它们的文档。您还应该能够在具有其他打印机实现通用接口的类中隐藏详细级别的
,这样您就可以使用OPOS / Pos .Net /其他一些Windows打印机驱动程序在此打印机和另一台打印机之间切换。使用您的应用程序的配置设置。
You are almost certianly better of finding a windows printer driver that will work wit hthat printer (either one provided by the manufacturer, or try using the Generic / Text Only printer that comes with Windows XP and later) and altering your application to just print to that. You'll need to use the manufacturer specific escape codes to control text formatting etc. rather than the Pos .Net ones, but the manufacturer should have documentation describing them. You should also be able to hide that level of detail in a class with an interface common to your other printer implementations, so you can switch between this printer and another one using OPOS/Pos .Net/Some other windows printer driver using configuration settings for your app.
简而言之,如果打印机没有可用的OPOS / Pos .Net服务对象,您真的必须使用该特定品牌和型号的打印机,不要使用OPOS / Pos .Net。
In short, if there is no OPOS/Pos .Net service object available for a printer and you really have to use that particular make and model of printer, don't use OPOS/Pos .Net.