本文介绍了使用Symbol Digital Image Scanner进行OPOS图像捕获的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我们的应用程序当前使用Motorola/Symbol DS6707数字图像扫描仪进行图像捕获和条形码扫描.我们通过Moto SNAPI驱动程序与扫描仪进行通信.由于这是特定于Motorola/Symbol扫描仪的,因此我正在考虑使用更通用的接口(例如OPOS)进行重写.这是在C/C ++应用程序中.

Our application presently uses the Motorola/Symbol DS6707 Digital Image Scanner for both image capture and barcode scanning. We communicate with the scanner via the Moto SNAPI driver. Since this is specific to the Motorola/Symbol scanner, I am considering a rewrite using a more generic interface, such as OPOS. This is in a C/C++ application.

我们内部还有一台霍尼韦尔(中国)成像扫描仪正在与我们进行测试.该型号(Xenon 1900)还支持成像和条形码扫描.

We also have a Honeywell imaging scanner in house that we are testing with. This model (Xenon 1900) also an supports both imaging and the barcode scanning.


Both scanners have OPOS drivers for support under the 'scanner' (bar code reader) device class. Neither has support as an 'imaging scanner'. However, the Honeywell supports imaging through the scanner driver using DirectIO, which is documented in their SDK's.

有人知道Motorola OPOS驱动程序是否支持映像,如果支持,那么DirectIO命令将是什么?我找不到支持Motorola/Symbol OPOS的任何SDK或其他文档.

Does anyone know if the Motorola OPOS driver supports imaging, and if so, what the DirectIO commands would be? I cannot find any SDK or other documentation for the Motorola/Symbol OPOS support.



无法直接通过Symbol/Motorola网站找到文档.在许多有创意的Google搜索 Symbol网站,并在第3-5页上发现DirectIO为不支持.始终返回OPOS_E_ILLEGAL".

Documentation is impossible to find via the Symbol/Motorola websites directly. I did end up finding the MOTOROLA SCANNER OPOS DRIVER DEVELOPER’S GUIDE after MANY creative google searches on the Symbol website and discovered on page 3-5 that DirectIO is "Not supported. Always returns OPOS_E_ILLEGAL".


Guess we will need to find another solution.

这篇关于使用Symbol Digital Image Scanner进行OPOS图像捕获的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-07 17:00