本文介绍了在IIS7中重写映射 - 如何使匹配可选地包含尾部斜杠?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 限时删除!! 我已经阅读了几个 IIS重写地图条件等组合的前30个Google点击次数,但我找不到任何体面的文档,无论是在microsoft.com网站还是其他地方。I have read the top 30 Google hits for several combinations of IIS rewrite map condition and so on, but I can't find any decent documentation, either on a microsoft.com site or elsewhere.我在IIS7中有一堆重写地图,我想处理它们,无论它们是否存在之后是斜线。所以 www.foo.com/bar 和 www.foo.com/bar / 都应符合规则。I have a bunch of rewrite maps in IIS7 that I would like to process irrespective of whether or not they are followed by a trailing slash. So www.foo.com/bar and www.foo.com/bar/ should both match the rule.<rewrite> <rewriteMaps> <rewriteMap name="ShortURLs"> <add key="/terms" value="/en-us/terms-and-conditions/"/> <add key="/privacy" value="/en-us/privacy-and-cookies/"/> <add key="/buy" value="/en-us/where-to-buy/"/> </rewriteMap> </rewriteMaps> <rules> <rule name="Short URL redirects"> <match url="^/?(.+)/?$" /> <conditions> <add input="{ShortURLs:{REQUEST_URI}}" pattern="(.+)"/> </conditions> <action type="Redirect" url="{C:1}" appendQueryString="true"/> </rule> </rules></rewrite>现在这个效果非常好,除了我能找到的唯一方法 / terms / 匹配重写映射中的第一个键是复制映射,使其显示为:Now this works perfectly well, except that the only way I can find to make /terms/ match the first key in the rewrite map is to duplicate the map, so that it reads:<rewriteMap name="ShortURLs"> <add key="/terms" value="/en-us/terms-and-conditions/"/> <add key="/privacy" value="/en-us/privacy-and-cookies/"/> <add key="/buy" value="/en-us/where-to-buy/"/> <add key="/terms/" value="/en-us/terms-and-conditions/"/> <add key="/privacy/" value="/en-us/privacy-and-cookies/"/> <add key="/buy/" value="/en-us/where-to-buy/"/></rewriteMap>考虑到我首先使用正则表达式来匹配它们,这看起来非常荒谬。将 /?添加到条件输入或条件模式似乎不起作用。This seems ridiculously inelegant, given that I'm using regular expressions to match them in the first place. Adding /? to the condition input or the condition pattern doesn't seem to work.我见过答案 IIS7重写地图正则表达式?提到正则表达式不能使用(引自在URL重写模块中使用重写映射)但是,正如我在那里评论的那样,这似乎与在该文本之前给出的具体示例有关,而不是批发这可以永远不会工作。I have seen the answer to IIS7 Rewrite Map Regex? that mentions regular expressions cannot be used (quoting from Using Rewrite Maps in URL Rewrite Module) but, as I have commented there, this seems to relate to the specific examples being given before that text, rather than a wholesale "this can never work".我缺少什么?必须有一些方法来做到这一点;我错过了一些明显的东西吗?What am I missing? There must be some means of doing this; am I missing something obvious?推荐答案这应该这样做:<rewrite> <rewriteMaps> <rewriteMap name="ShortURLs"> <add key="terms" value="/en-us/terms-and-conditions/"/> <add key="privacy" value="/en-us/privacy-and-cookies/"/> <add key="buy" value="/en-us/where-to-buy/"/> </rewriteMap> </rewriteMaps> <rules> <rule name="Short URL redirects"> <match url="^(.+?)/?$" /> <conditions> <add input="{ShortURLs:{R:1}}" pattern="(.+)" /> </conditions> <action type="Redirect" url="{C:1}" appendQueryString="true"/> </rule> </rules></rewrite>你非常接近;我只需做三个小改动:You were quite close; I only needed to make three small changes: 删除重写地图中键中的前导斜杠 在规则的匹配中使用了非贪婪量词 +? 使用了对匹配的后引用 {R:1}removed the leading slashes in the keys in the rewrite mapused the non-greedy quantifier +? in the rule's matchused a back reference to the match {R:1} in the condition input我分享你在寻找体面方面遇到困难的经验文件;在以下文章的帮助下,我不得不试验一下:I share your experience in having trouble finding decent documentation; I had to experiment my way through, with help from the following articles: http://www.iis.net/learn/extensions/url-rewrite-module/using-rewrite -maps-in-url-rewrite-module http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee215190(v = ws.10).aspxhttp://www.iis.net/learn/extensions/url-rewrite-module/using-rewrite-maps-in-url-rewrite-modulehttp://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee215190(v=ws.10).aspx 这篇关于在IIS7中重写映射 - 如何使匹配可选地包含尾部斜杠?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 1403页,肝出来的..
09-08 13:22