本文介绍了Rel atttibute的含义的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在网页上发现了一个奇怪的 a href 。它看起来像

I found a strange a href in a webpage. It looks like

<a href=... rel="servername.com|6d63402c" ...other properties... ></a>

隐秘的 | 6d63402c是什么意思?它是一个按位 OR 操作还是只是一个字符串?

What does cryptic |6d63402c mean ? Is it a bitwise OR operation or just a string?


The document contains different links with different rels in this style.



The rel attribute specifies the link relationship type.

在HTML5中,您只能使用 rel

In HTML5 you may only use rel values that

  • 是,或

  • 是 。

  • are defined in the HTML5 specification, or
  • are registered in the Microformats wiki page existing rel values: HTML5 link type extensions.

作为值 servername.com | 6d63402c 未定义/注册,页面使用无效标记。

As the value servername.com|6d63402c is not defined/registered, the page uses invalid markup.

关于什么这个特定值确实:我们无法知道(好吧,因为它没有定义/注册)。它可能是一些使用它的内部或第三方脚本。他们应该更好地使用数据 - * 属性,而不是滥用 rel

As to what this specific value does: we can’t know (well, because it is not defined/registered). It’s probably some internal or third-party script that makes use of it. They should better use the data-* attribute instead of misusing rel.

这篇关于Rel atttibute的含义的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-15 07:57