本文介绍了存储在 iOS 应用程序的 XCode 项目文件中的配置文件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想我已经想出了如何在源代码管理中存储 XCode 项目 - 我只对 .pbxproject 文件进行版本控制,这似乎很好用.

I thought I'd figured out how to store XCode projects in source control - I only version the .pbxproject file and this seems to work great.

但后来我注意到配置文件也保存在那里.这看起来不太好,我正在与另一位开发人员远程工作,我们都有各自的配置文件.每次我们更改令人讨厌的任何内容时,我们都会使用我们自己的配置文件不断提交新版本的 .pbxproject 文件,我想知道共享此类信息是否存在安全风险?

But then I noticed the provisioning profile is also kept there. This doesn't seem very good, I'm working remotely with another developer and we both have individual provisioning profiles. We keep committing new versions of the .pbxproject file with our own profile every time we change anything which is annoying, and I wonder if sharing such information is a security risk?


Is there a way around this? Are we 'supposed' to be using the same team profile or something like that, perhaps?


在 Build Settings 中将配置文件选择器设置为Automatic",此问题将停止.

Set the profile selector to "Automatic" in the Build Settings and this problem will stop.

这篇关于存储在 iOS 应用程序的 XCode 项目文件中的配置文件的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-13 08:21