TinyURL and similar services, as you may know, let users create a shortURL out of a long URL. Most people use it in newsgroups or emails only,others use it on Web pages. I find TinyURL has the power to destroy many things online, likePageRank, right-click-to-copy-URL, visited link colors, to name a few.The least they do is obfuscating where one will be taken to, which is abig usability issue. I''m not even mentioning the fact a service likeTinyURL might stop existing or start showing advertisement, and createmany dead links. Any opinions on this, or possibly a good page online explaining theproblems associated with TinyURL et al? Or do you think it''s harmless?How could one go about educating people? --Google Blogoscoped http://blog.outer-court.com推荐答案 Philipp Lenssen写道: Philipp Lenssen wrote: TinyURL及类似服务,如您所知,让用户使用长URL创建一个简短的URL。大多数人只在新闻组或电子邮件中使用它,其他人在网页上使用它。 我发现TinyURL有能力在网上销毁很多东西,比如 PageRank,对 - 点击复制URL,访问过的链接颜色,仅举几例。他们做的最少的事情就是混淆了一个人将被带到哪里,这是一个很大的可用性问题。我甚至没有提到像TinyURL这样的服务可能会停止存在或开始显示广告这一事实, 它已经用于广告了。 当您在工具栏中点击 ''tinyurl''时,您的浏览器中有哪一页(如果您已经安装了它), 可以访问之后直接使用谷歌的Mediabot。 由Mediabot索引的页面,获得 适当广告(我认为是AdSense)例如,当他们在免费版Opera中查看时。 并创建许多死链接。 怎么可以教育人们? TinyURL and similar services, as you may know, let users create a short URL out of a long URL. Most people use it in newsgroups or emails only, others use it on Web pages. I find TinyURL has the power to destroy many things online, like PageRank, right-click-to-copy-URL, visited link colors, to name a few. The least they do is obfuscating where one will be taken to, which is a big usability issue. I''m not even mentioning the fact a service like TinyURL might stop existing or start showing advertisement,It''s already used for advertising.Whichever page you have in your browser when you click''tinyurl'' in your toolbar (provided you have installed it),gets a visit from Google''s Mediabot directly afterwards. And pages that are indexed by the Mediabot, get"appropriate" ads (I think AdSense) for example when theyare viewed in the free version of Opera. and create many dead links. Any opinions on this, or possibly a good page online explaining the problems associated with TinyURL et al? Or do you think it''s harmless? How could one go about educating people? 我没有注意到你提到的任何问题,但 然后,我到目前为止我只使用了几次TinyURL。 - Els http://locusmeus.com/ Sonhos VEM。 Sonhos v?o。 Orestoébritfeito。 - Renato Russo - I haven''t noticed any of the problems you mentioned, butthen again, I''ve only used TinyURL a couple of times so far. --Els http://locusmeus.com/Sonhos vem. Sonhos v?o. O resto é imperfeito.- Renato Russo - " Philipp Lenssen" <在** @ outer-court.com>在消息新闻中写道:< 2j ************ @ uni-berlin.de> ... "Philipp Lenssen" <in**@outer-court.com> wrote in message news:<2j************@uni-berlin.de>... TinyURL和类似的服务,你可能知道,让用户用长URL创建一个简短的URL。 大多数人只在新闻组或电子邮件中使用它, 好​​。 其他人在网页上使用它。 TinyURL and similar services, as you may know, let users create a short URL out of a long URL. Most people use it in newsgroups or emails only,Good. others use it on Web pages. 坏。 TinyURL(等)是一个好主意,对Usenet非常有帮助。但是 这是暂时的,所以当你通过它发布链接时,发布两个版本的 版本(以及之间的空白行)。只要它没有被误用,我就有了它的b $ b eno问题。从谷歌蜘蛛触发访问 有什么问题? Bad.TinyURL (et al.) is a great idea and really helpful for Usenet. Butit''s transitory, so when you post a link through it, post bothversions (and a blank line between). Provided it''s not mis-used, I haveno problem with it at all. And what''s wrong with triggering a visitfrom a Google spider ? Andy Dingley写道: Andy Dingley wrote: TinyURL(等人)是一个好主意,对Usenet非常有帮助。但是它很短暂,所以当你通过它发布链接时,发布两个版本(和之间的空白行)。如果它没有被误用,我根本没有问题。从谷歌蜘蛛触发访问有什么问题? TinyURL (et al.) is a great idea and really helpful for Usenet. But it''s transitory, so when you post a link through it, post both versions (and a blank line between). Provided it''s not mis-used, I hav eno problem with it at all. And what''s wrong with triggering a visit from a Google spider ? 没什么。刚刚提到它:-) 它不是一个可以帮助你进入谷歌的蜘蛛 但是,只看内容才能找到合适的广告 随身携带。 - Els http://locusmeus.com/ Sonhos vem。 Sonhos v?o。 Orestoébritfeito。 - Renato Russo - Nothing. Just mentioned it :-)It''s not a spider which will help you get into Googlethough, only looks at the content to find the right ads togo with it. --Els http://locusmeus.com/Sonhos vem. Sonhos v?o. O resto é imperfeito.- Renato Russo - 这篇关于TinyURL瘟疫的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
09-17 12:31