








为了禁用这些进程,我们需要使用命令从AWS-CLI。在此示例中,我将使用 powershell ,但是在 bash 中写起来同样容易:

$ asGroup = nameOfYourAutoScalingGroup;
--auto-scaling-group-name $ asGroup`
--scaling-processes HealthCheck ReplaceUnhealthy;

awsp autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-groups`
--auto-scaling-group-name $ asGroup;为了我的目的,我希望实例在上午7点到晚上7点之间处于联机状态以降低成本。这些实例在我们的开发团队和质量检查团队之间使用,他们希望每天保持服务器状态。



 #在我们的例子中,我们想对所有自动伸缩组$ b $执行此操作b#您需要Powershell 3.0+才能使用ConvertFrom-Json 
$ asGroups = aws autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-groups --query'AutoScalingGroups [*]。{Name:AutoScalingGroupName,Instances:Instances [ *]。InstanceId}';
$ asGroups = {asGroups:$ asGroups} | ConvertFrom-Json;

foreach($ asGroup in $($ asGroups.asGroups)){

echo AS:$ ($ asGroup.Name);
foreach($ asGroup.instances中的$ instance){
echo起始实例:$ instance;
aws ec2起始实例`
--instance-ids $ instance;

#您需要Powershell 3.0+才能使用ConvertFrom-Json
$ asGroups = awsp自动缩放describe-auto -scaling-groups --query'AutoScalingGroups [*]。{Name:AutoScalingGroupName,Instances:Instances [*]。InstanceId}';
$ asGroups = {asGroups:$ asGroups} | ConvertFrom-Json;

foreach($ asGroup in $($ asGroups.asGroups)){

echo AS:$ ($ asGroup.Name);
foreach($ asGroup.instances中的$ instance){
echo停止实例:$ instance;
awsp ec2停止实例`
--instance-ids $ instance;


 <?xml version = 1.0 encoding = UTF-16?> ; 
<任务版本= 1.2 xmlns = http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2004/02/mit/task>
< RegistrationInfo>
< Date> 2014-08-22T13:13:02.2103946< / Date>
< Author> localhost\Administrator< / Author>
< / RegistrationInfo>
< Triggers>
< CalendarTrigger>
< StartBoundary> 2014-08-22T07:00:00< / StartBoundary>
< Enabled> true< / Enabled>
< ScheduleByWeek>
< DaysOfWeek>
< / DaysOfWeek>
< WeeksInterval> 1< / WeeksInterval>
< / ScheduleByWeek>
< / CalendarTrigger>
< / Triggers>
< Principals>
< Principal id = Author>
< UserId> localhost\Administrator< / UserId>
< LogonType> InteractiveToken< / LogonType>
< RunLevel>最低特权< / RunLevel>
< / Principal>
< / Principals>
< MultipleInstancesPolicy> IgnoreNew< / MultipleInstancesPolicy>
< DisallowStartIfOnBatteries> true< / DisallowStartIfOnBatteries>
< StopIfGoingOnBatteries> true< / StopIfGoingOnBatteries>
< AllowHardTerminate> true< / AllowHardTerminate>
< StartWhenAvailable> false< / StartWhenAvailable>
< RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable> false< / RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable>
< IdleSettings>
< StopOnIdleEnd> true< / StopOnIdleEnd>
< RestartOnIdle> false< / RestartOnIdle>
< / IdleSettings>
< AllowStartOnDemand> true< / AllowStartOnDemand>
< Enabled> true< / Enabled>
< Hidden> false< / Hidden>
< RunOnlyIfIdle> false< / RunOnlyIfIdle>
< WakeToRun> false< / WakeToRun>
< ExecutionTimeLimit> P3D< / ExecutionTimeLimit>
< Priority> 7< / Priority>
< /设置>
< Actions Context = Author>
< Exec>
< Command> C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe< / Command>
< Arguments> -ExecutionPolicy Bypass c:\tasks\AWS-Autoscaling-EC2-Start-Morning.ps1< / Arguments>
< WorkingDirectory> c:\tasks< / WorkingDirectory>
< / Exec>
< / Actions>
< / Task>

您需要执行此任务的停止版本才能在晚上7点停止服务器。只需将您的开始边界更改为< StartBoundary> 2014-08-22T19:00:00< / StartBoundary> 并更新< Arguments> -ExecutionPolicy绕过c:\tasks\AWS-Autoscaling-EC2-Start-Morning.ps1< / Arguments> 到正确的 ps1

If you have have an autoscaling group, how do you go about start/stopping the instances (not launch/terminate) ? The default behaviour is only for launching and terminating instances, but since we also get cost savings for just stopping an instance, we would rather allow the instance to persist.

For our purposes, we have a QA environment and we want to start/stop several autoscaling groups daily to save money when the development team leaves the office for evenings and weekends.

So how to accomplish this?


I will be following up with my own detailed answer shortly.


First and foremost, the AWS autoscaling group is a container for multiple instances that are based on a launch configuration. If we are able to disable the processes that trigger up/down scaling, we are back to the container that just holds instances.

In order to disable these processes, we need to use the suspend-processes command from AWS-CLI. For this example, I will use powershell, but its just as easy to write in bash:

# suspend HealthCheck and ReplaceUnhealthy processes, you may find another combination works better for you.
$asGroup = "nameOfYourAutoScalingGroup" ;
aws autoscaling suspend-processes `
    --auto-scaling-group-name $asGroup `
    --scaling-processes HealthCheck ReplaceUnhealthy ;

# verify the change
awsp autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-groups `
    --auto-scaling-group-name $asGroup ;

For my purposes, I wanted the instances to be online between 7am and 7pm to reduce costs. These instances are used between our development and QA teams, and they prefer to keep the state of the server from day to day.

NOTE: in the circumstance where the EC2 instance becomes corrupt or accidentally terminated, our team is fine with rollbacking back to the latest AMI (they really just want the logs to persist, but if they are lost, it isn't the end of the world)

Next we'll require a script to start/stop the servers, here I have it as 2 scripts, but you can easily optimize it into one script and pass an argument in:

# in our case, we want to perform this to all autoscaling groups
# you'll need Powershell 3.0+ in order to use ConvertFrom-Json
$asGroups = aws autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-groups --query 'AutoScalingGroups[*].{Name:AutoScalingGroupName,Instances:Instances[*].InstanceId}' ;
$asGroups = "{ asGroups: $asGroups }" | ConvertFrom-Json ;

# foreach autoscaling group, go through each instance and start
foreach ($asGroup in $($asGroups.asGroups)) {

    echo "AS: $($asGroup.Name)" ;
    foreach ($instance in $asGroup.instances) {
        echo "starting instance: $instance";
        aws ec2 start-instances `
            --instance-ids $instance ;
# in our case, we want to perform this to all autoscaling groups
# you'll need Powershell 3.0+ in order to use ConvertFrom-Json
$asGroups = awsp autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-groups --query 'AutoScalingGroups[*].{Name:AutoScalingGroupName,Instances:Instances[*].InstanceId}' ;
$asGroups = "{ asGroups: $asGroups }" | ConvertFrom-Json ;

# foreach autoscaling group, go through each instance and stop
foreach ($asGroup in $($asGroups.asGroups)) {

    echo "AS: $($asGroup.Name)" ;
    foreach ($instance in $asGroup.instances) {
        echo "stopping instance: $instance";
        awsp ec2 stop-instances `
            --instance-ids $instance ;

The last step would be to add it to the Scheduled Tasks on a control server (I'm currently just using my desktop which never turns off). Attached is an example of the exported Schedule Task, runs weekly Mon, Tue, Wed, Thurs, Friday at 7am.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Task version="1.2" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2004/02/mit/task">
          <Monday />
          <Tuesday />
          <Wednesday />
          <Thursday />
          <Friday />
    <Principal id="Author">
  <Actions Context="Author">
      <Arguments>-ExecutionPolicy ByPass c:\tasks\AWS-Autoscaling-EC2-Start-Morning.ps1</Arguments>

You'll need to make the "Stop" version of this task to stop servers at 7pm. Just change your start boundary to <StartBoundary>2014-08-22T19:00:00</StartBoundary> and update <Arguments>-ExecutionPolicy ByPass c:\tasks\AWS-Autoscaling-EC2-Start-Morning.ps1</Arguments> to the correct ps1.


08-20 06:16