我的网络应用程序在 URL 中生成多个斜杠,例如:http://www.example.com/一些//斜线.
My web app generates multiple slashes in URLs like: http://www.example.com/some///slashes.
Is it a bad practice? Does Google care?
Google 是否将 /some/slashes
和 /some///slashes
视为不同的网址?如果是这样,我认为 Google 不会合并这些 URL 的 PageRank,或者会吗?
Does Google see /some/slashes
and /some///slashes
as different URLs? If it does, I think Google won't merge PageRank of these URLs, or will it?
这会导致搜索引擎索引不正确的 URL 和重复的内容.具有相同内容的多个页面对 SEO 不利.重复的页面有损于原始页面.您最终可能会发现错误的网址被编入索引,而正确的网址会从搜索结果中删除.
This can lead to search engines indexing incorrect URLs and duplicate content. Multiple pages with the same content is bad for SEO. Duplicated pages detract from the original page. You can end up with the incorrect URL being indexed and the proper URL being removed from search results.
这篇关于URL 路径中的双斜杠 - 不好的做法?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!