


Is it possible to automate the creation of a Vagrant .box file for an OS install, from the original ISO?


To me, this is a significant gap in the end-to-end automation of Operating System install and configuration on a Virtual Machine that Vagrant provides.

当然,VagrantBox.es提供了许多基础.box的操作系统安装文件的使用。但也有一些来自第三方供应商,而不是从原来的操作系统分发机。例如Arch Linux的:Arch Linux的64(2012-07-02)http://vagrant.pouss.in/archlinux_2012-07-02.box

Sure, VagrantBox.es provides many base .box OS install files for usage. But some are from third party suppliers and not from the original OS distribution maker. For example Arch Linux: Arch Linux 64 (2012-07-02) http://vagrant.pouss.in/archlinux_2012-07-02.box


Not wanting to be negative about the efforts of third-party suppliers, but some organisations may want the original install image from the original OS provider (e.g. for the Arch example above, this would be: https://www.archlinux.org/download/ ). Reasons for wanting original install image would be security (as it would not be possible to verify the third party image for security compromises and malware) and getting the image as the original suppliers intended without extra stuff not required. Another reason would be to take advantage of new releases direct from the original supplier and not have to wait for a third party to release it as a Vagrant .box


There are guides for creating a .box file from a .ISO image:

但这些都是手工操作 - 这违背后面的自动化和一致性的流浪汉哲学。特别是如果许多想达到能够使用原来的最终目标 - 这最终会与每个人的一部分重复劳动

But these are manual steps - which goes against the philosphy behind Vagrant of automation and consistency. Especially if many want to achieve the end goal of being able to use the original - this would end up with duplicate effort on everyone's part.

所以我会从描述了如何制作一个通用的自动化脚本转换.ISO OS安装映像到流浪盒一个明确的答案看这里。

So I would be looking here from a definitive answer that describes how to make a generic automation script to convert a .ISO OS install image into a Vagrant box.


我觉得VeeWee为$ P $从ISO pparing颠沛流离的盒子一个伟大的机制:

I think VeeWee provides a great mechanism for preparing a Vagrant box from an ISO:


It already provides a lot of out-of-the-box templates for most distributions, which you can customize if required (although this is often not needed). Alternatively you can create your own definitions.


Alternatively you can use Packer:


Which is produced by the same company that makes Vagrant, so it has fairly good integration. Packer itself doesn't provided sample templates I believe, but you can use the ones Puppet Labs uses for its own testing purposes if you like:



This can be used as a solid base for your own templates and modified to taste, or you can raise a PR on the project to contribute back if desired.


09-03 17:56