

不包括JobScheduler仅支持API> 21的事实-JobSchedulers是否旨在完全替代SyncAdapters?还是SyncAdapter包含JobScheduler缺少的任何功能?

Excluding the fact that JobScheduler only supports API > 21 - are JobSchedulers designed to fully replace SyncAdapters? Or does SyncAdapter contain any functionality lacking by JobScheduler?

我的用例是每两个小时同步一次RSS feed.这可以通过JobScheduler完成-是吗?

My use case is syncing an RSS feed every couple of hours. This is doable with a JobScheduler - right?


我会说JobScheduler不能直接替代SyncAdapter,它具有更专门的用途(在设备和服务器之间传输数据) .另一方面,JobScheduler用于安排将来某个时间要执行的任务-就像 AlarmManager -但潜力更大.

I would say JobScheduler is not a direct substitution for SyncAdapter, which has a much more specialized purpose (transferring data between the device and a server). JobScheduler, on the other hand, serves to schedule tasks to be executed at some point of time in future - just like AlarmManager - but with a broader potential.

顺便说一句,尝试向后移植 JobScheduler.


09-22 06:47