





我已附加了检查器面板中的笑脸和点的着色器详细信息.链接: http://postimg.org/image/cvws1os7d/

我发现问题应该出在MainCamera,尤其是距离& 视野".我需要使用透视"作为投影类型,并使用140作为视场".



屏幕截图1:Y位置:8.48视场角:30链接: http://postimg.org/image/s31tttrkp/

屏幕截图2:Y位置:9.7视场角:30链接: http://postimg.org/image/f71sq0y4b/

屏幕截图3:Y位置:11.41视场角:30链接: http://postimg.org/image/3uk4az3d3/

截屏4:Y位置:1视场:140链接: http://postimg.org/image/bul9zwg7z/




同时,可以按任何顺序绘制不透明对象(即使以从前到后的顺序对其进行排序,最终也可以依靠早期的z-cull来改善某些GPU的性能).可以使用存储在 z缓冲区中的深度值来推断哪些像素可见./p>





  • 明确设置材料的渲染队列
  • 在着色器中明确设置渲染顺序(与上述类似,但等于具有相同着色器的每个对象)
  • 使用 Offset 将深度伪装到着色器中(在您的着色器中没有用案例,但值得一听)




In my scene, the smileys(Quad with png image) are placed at Y:0 and the dots(Quad with tiling 3X3) are placed at Y: -0.25.The shader I need to use for the smileys is Transparent-Diffuse as I am using a circle png image.

But the dots I use below are showing up above the smiley. Using any other shader like Diffuse solves the issue but the smiley becomes a square.


If you need any more clarifications please dont hesitate to ask.

Edit:I have attached the shader details of both the smiley and the dots from the inspector panel.link: http://postimg.org/image/cvws1os7d/

Edit 2:I have found that the issue should be with the MainCamera and especially with distance & "Field Of View".I need to use "Perspective" as projection type and 140 as Field of View.

If I change the projection type to Orthographic the issue is completely fixed.

The below screenshots show how the distance and Field of View controls the appearance of the dots over the smiley.

Screenshot 1:Y position: 8.48Field of View: 30link: http://postimg.org/image/s31tttrkp/

Screenshot 2:Y position: 9.7Field of View: 30link: http://postimg.org/image/f71sq0y4b/

Screenshot 3:Y position: 11.41Field of View: 30link: http://postimg.org/image/3uk4az3d3/

Screenshot 4:Y position: 1Field of View: 140link: http://postimg.org/image/bul9zwg7z/

Can this be a clue?


Just a couple of info, on how transparency is typically implemented (not only by Unity).

Meanwhile opaque objects can be drawn in any order (even if sorting them in front-to-back order can eventually improve some GPU performances relying on an early z-cull). Which pixels are visible can be deduced using the depth value stored into the z-buffer.

You can't rely on z-buffer for transparency.For rendering translucent objects a typical approach is to draw them after all opaque objects, and sorting them in back-to-front order (transparent objects more distant from the camera are drawn first).

Now the question is: how do you sort objects? with a perspective camera and meshes of a generic shape, the solution is not obvious.

For quad meshes oriented parallel to a ortographic camera view plane, the z order is implicitly correct (that's why it always works for you).You can also notice that camera position influences the drawing order, because with perspective camera the order is calculated as distance between object position and camera.

So what can you do with Unity3d, in your specific use case scenario?A couple of tricks:

  • Explicitly set the render queue of the material
  • Explicitly set the render order inside the shader (similar of the above, but equals to every object with the same shader)
  • Fake the depth using Offset into the shader (not that useful in your case but worth to be known)

hope this helps


I didn't know that, the camera transparency sorting mode appears to be customizable. So this is another solution, maybe the best for your case if you want to use a perspective camera.


09-05 13:51