我想在我的Ruby on Rails项目中使用Apache Mahout来实现建议和协作过滤.特别是我的要求是:
I want to use Apache Mahout in my project on Ruby on Rails for implementing recommendations and collaborative filtering. In Particular my requirements are:
- 建议相关标签.
- 建议相关文章.
- 根据用户的偏好提示他查看文章.
- 根据地理位置以及用户的其他元信息,向他推荐相似的用户.
I am open to using any other solution (other than mahout) if it integrates with rails easily and fulfills my requirements.
Mahout(和Hadoop)在JRuby上运行的Rails中运行良好.您可以像这样包含Hadoop和Mahout jar:
Mahout (and Hadoop) work pretty well within Rails running on JRuby. You can include Hadoop and Mahout jars like so:
Dir ["/mahout-base-dir/**/*.jar"].each {| jar |需要罐子}
Dir ["/hadoop-base-dir/**/*.jar"].each {| jar |需要jar}
Dir["/mahout-base-dir/**/*.jar"].each { |jar| require jar }
Dir["/hadoop-base-dir/**/*.jar"].each { |jar| require jar }
Then you can include the Mahout classes you plan on using, for instance:
从那里,您可以遵循Mahout Java Docs和JRuby约定来构建Rails rec系统.
From there, you can follow the Mahout Java Docs and JRuby conventions to build your Rails rec system.
That being said, I'm not sure that would be the best architecture for your site (hard to say without more detail). If your problem scale is large enough to warrant Mahout, it probably makes more sense to use Rails for just the web stuff, and generate your recommendations outside the web framework (for instance by generating affinities in nightly batches, etc.).