i'm working with Java and SimpleXML
I need to parse this XML file with SimpleXML:
<magazine title="N˙mero 1" id="1">
<page src="http://web.com/scripts/getImage.php?idMagazine=1&resource=page_001.jpg" id="1" thumbnail="http://web.com/scripts/getImage.php?idMagazine=1&resource=thumbnail_001.jpg">
<area id="1">
<action type="openBrowser">http://www.web.com</action>
<area id="2">
<action type="openBrowser">http://www.web.com</action>
<page src="http://web.com/scripts/getImage.php?idMagazine=1&resource=page_002.jpg" id="2" thumbnail="web.com/scripts/getImage.php?idMagazine=1&resource=thumbnail_002.jpg"/>
<page src="http://web.com/scripts/getImage.php?idMagazine=1&resource=page_003.jpg" id="3" thumbnail="web.com/scripts/getImage.php?idMagazine=1&resource=thumbnail_003.jpg"/>
杂志有一系列页面,每个页面都有一个区域数组,每个区域都有一个动作类,有更多的内容。问题必须在区域数组上,因此它在Page class中。
Magazine has an array of pages, and each page has an array of areas, and each area has a action class, wich has some more content. The problem must be on areas array, so it is in Page class.
@Root (name="magazine")
public class FullMagazine {
String title;
String id;
String description;
String miniature;
int summary;
public ArrayList<Page> pages;
public String getTitle() {
return title;
public String getId() {
return id;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public Bitmap getMiniature() {
return Util.getRemoteBitmap(miniature);
public static FullMagazine Load(String xml){
Serializer serializer = new Persister();
return serializer.read(FullMagazine.class, xml);
}catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}
return null; //si llega aquÌ es que ha fallado.
public class Page {
String src;
String id;
String thumbnail;
public ArrayList<Area> areas;
public class Area {
String id;
int top;
int left;
int width;
int height;
Action action;
public class Action {
String type;
String action;
你必须把required = false在ArrayList的区域中,XML的某些页面没有区域
You must put required=false on the ArrayList of areas, some of the Pages of the XML doesn't have Areas
public class Page {
String src;
String id;
String thumbnail;
@ElementList (required=false)
public ArrayList<Area> areas;