companycode int。 i希望在网页请求的响应中通过公司代码识别sno。 如公司代码1是一个然后sno从1,2开始,3,4 ... so.same为另一个公司代码。 我的问题是当我同时请求表时,同样没有生成。 i have还尝试了存储过程但是当一次生成多个请求时它会失败。 请帮我解决这个问题。i want to insert record in the sql server database table.table structureSno int,name varchar,companycode int.i want recognize sno by company code at the response on web company code 1 is one then sno start from 1,2,3, on.same for another company problem is when i am requesting table at same time then same no is generated.i had also tried stored procedure but it fails when multiple request generated at a time.please help me to resolve this issue.推荐答案 更改表设计。 将Sno设置为每行递增的主键 - [ ^ ]。 如果你不希望Sno成为主键,你仍然可以让它自动增加 - [ ^ ]。Change the table design.Set the Sno as a primary key that increments for every row -[^].If you do not want Sno to be a primary key, you can still make it increment automatically -[^]. 试试做这样的事情。 Try to do something like this.DECLARE @MAX_sno int=null;SELECT @MAX_sno=MAX(person_id) FROM TABLENAME WHERE companycode='Your_companycode' ;SET @MAX_sno=@MAX_sno+1;----In MAX_sno you will get new sno value which can be used for new record insertion 这篇关于如何在asp.net网站上用sql server一次管理多个请求。的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
10-21 03:06