对于 4 个不同的表,我有 4 个 Select 语句每个 Select 查询给出满足指定条件的最新记录例如:
I have 4 Select statements for 4 different tableseach Select query gives latest record meeting specified conditionfor ex:
Select TOP 1 * from table where column_name = 'something' order by col1 DESC;
现在我必须组合所有 4 个查询的结果集并从组合结果集创建一个视图.
Now I have to combine result set of all 4 queries and create a view from combined result set.
有些数据库不允许您在联合查询中提供order by"子句.
Some DB's don't let you provide an "order by" clause inside on of the unioned queries.
如果您按 col1 desc 排序,则可能是某种类型的列,您可以对其应用 min() 或 max().
If you're ordering by col1 desc, it's possible that it's some type of column you can apply min() or max() to.
If that is the case, below could solve your issue (if there aren't too many records, or, if the tables are massive, "col1" and "some_column" are indexed.)
create view some_view as
select * from table1
where some_column = 'something'
and col1 = (select max(col1) from table1 where some_column = 'something')
select * from table2
where some_column = 'something'
and col1 = (select max(col1) from table2 where some_column = 'something')
select * from table3
where some_column = 'something'
and col1 = (select max(col1) from table3 where some_column = 'something')
select * from table4
where some_column = 'something'
and col1 = (select max(col1) from table4 where some_column = 'something')
这篇关于结合 select 语句获得的结果集以创建视图的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!