


I'm using github to host some projects and someone forked my repo and submitted a pr, I have never had to test a pr in a fork before. How can I checkout the branch and test it? Can I some how pull it into my repo? Or do I checkout the fork and test the branch that way?



There are a couple different ways but I’ll go over what I would do in this situation

git remote add<无论您要调用什么远程名称><链接到分叉>

此处是文档.这将允许您从fork中添加和签出远程分支.在检查您描述的工作流程中的PR时,我通常会执行 git clean -dfx (警告:这是非常密集清理,它消除了您的未进行的分阶段工作), git remote add<无论您要调用什么远程名称><链接到fork> 和 git checkout< branch name> .

Here is the documentation. This will allow you to add and check out the remote branch from the fork. When reviewing PRs in the workflow you described I usually do a git clean -dfx (warning: this is a very intensive clean that gets rid of unstaged work you have), git remote add <whatever you want the remote to be called> <link to the fork>, and git checkout <branch name>.

如果它已经在您的仓库中,则可以使用 git branch -a 看到它,然后像其他情况一样简单地将其检出.

If it’s in your repo already you can see that with git branch -a and simply check it out as you might otherwise.


08-03 17:35