


I'm quite new to Perl and I have some problems in skipping lines using a foreach loop. I want to copy some lines of a text file to a new one.

当一行的第一个单词为FIRST ITERATION时,再跳过两行,然后打印所有内容,直到遇到文件末尾或出现空行为止.

When the first words of a line are FIRST ITERATION, skip two more lines and print everything following until the end of the file or an empty line is encountered.


I've tried to find out a similar post but nobody talks about working with text files.


use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;

open( INPUT, "xxx.txt" ) or die("Could not open log file.");
open( OUT, ">>yyy.txt" );

foreach my $line (<INPUT>) {

    if ( $line =~ m/^FIRST ITERATION/ ) {

        # print OUT


我尝试使用next$line++,但是我的程序仅打印以FIRST ITERATION开头的行.

I tried using next and $line++ but my program prints only the line that begins with FIRST ITERATION.


I may try to use a for loop but I don't know how many lines my file may have, nor do I know how many lines there are between "First Iteration" and the next empty line.


最简单的方法是一次处理文件一行,并且如果当前行以FIRST ITERATION开头,则将状态标志保留为1.如果为空,则返回0;否则,如果已经为正,则递增1,以便提供当前块内行号的计数.

The simplest way is to process the file a line at a time and keep a state flag which is set to 1 if the current line is begins with FIRST ITERATION and 0 if it is blank, otherwise it is incremented if it is already positive so that it provides a count of the line number within the current block


This solution expects the path to the input file as a parameter on the command line and prints its output to STDOUT, so you will need to redirect the output to the file on the command line as necessary

请注意,正则表达式模式/\S/检查当前行中是否存在非空白字符,因此如果该行为空或全部为空白字符,则not /\S/为true

Note that the regex pattern /\S/ checks whether there is a non-blank character anywhere in the current line, so not /\S/ is true if the line is empty or all blank characters

use strict;
use warnings;

my $lines = 0;

while ( <> ) {

    if ( /^FIRST ITERATION/ ) {
        $lines = 1;
    elsif ( not /\S/ ) {
        $lines = 0;
    elsif ( $lines > 0 ) {

    print if $lines > 3;

使用Perl内置的 range运算符可以大大简化此过程,该运算符保留其自己的内部状态并返回已被评估的次数.因此,上面的内容可能会写成

This can be simplified substantially by using Perl's built-in range operator, which keeps its own internal state and returns the number of times it has been evaluated. So the above may be written

use strict;
use warnings;

while ( <> ) {
    my $s = /^FIRST ITERATION/ ... not /\S/;
    print if $s and $s > 3;


And the last can be rewritten as a one-line command line program like this

$ perl -ne '$s = /^FIRST ITERATION/ ... not /\S/; print if $s and $s > 3' myfile.txt


09-05 13:12