本文介绍了无法在Ubuntu上的Golang中连接到Mongo Cloud mongodb数据库的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有以下Go Code可以连接到我的Mongo Cloud数据库:

I have this Go Code to connect to my Mongo Cloud Database:

func connectToDataBase() {
    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 20*time.Second)
    defer cancel()
    client, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, options.Client().ApplyURI(dbURL))
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatal("Error connecting to Database: ", err.Error())
    DB = client.Database("storyfactory")


I already ran this code on a Windows machine, and it worked. Now I tried to run it on ubuntu, and I get following error:

2019/04/13 00:20:37 Error connecting to Database: error parsing uri (mongodb+srv://User:[email protected]/test?retryWrites=true): lookup cluster0-gpxjk.gcp.mongodb.net on cannot unmarshal DNS message
exit status 1


I don't know, why it worked on windows, and now it doesn't on ubuntu.
Thanks for your help!


这与MongoDB Go驱动程序不太相关.

This is not quite related to MongoDB Go driver.


There is a patch in Go version 1.11.x #10622 net: target domain names in SRV records should not be compressed that tighten the way SRV records are read to follow RFC-2782.

如果权威DNS服务器(非兼容)使用域名压缩发送SRV记录,则net.lookupSRV()将使用cannot unmarshal DNS message引发错误( net/lookup_unix.go#L130 ).例如,嵌入式Docker DNS可能会进行服务器名称压缩.

If an authoritative DNS server (non-compliantly) sends an SRV records using domain name compression, the net.lookupSRV() will throw an error with cannot unmarshal DNS message (net/lookup_unix.go#L130). For example, the embedded Docker DNS maybe doing the server name compression.

Go v1.11的解决方法是:

The workarounds for Go v1.11 are:

  • 使用非SRV MongoDB URI
  • 通过替换nameserver以使用兼容和/或公共DNS服务器(即1.
  • )来更新/etc/resolv.conf的内容
  • Use the non-SRV MongoDB URI
  • Update the content of /etc/resolv.conf by replacing the nameserver to use a compliant and/or public DNS server i.e. or

另请参见 GODRIVER-829

这篇关于无法在Ubuntu上的Golang中连接到Mongo Cloud mongodb数据库的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-26 00:07