I'm using SHDocVw.InternetExplorer to open an IE window and control the session.
Mostly to automate going to a certain page, logging in, checking for certain data, etc.
它很棒,除了我们现在应该使用这个Internet Explorer附加扩展程序,当我的程序生成窗口时,大多数附加组件都没有列出在工具 - >管理加载项下
It works great, except that we're supposed to be using this internet explorer add-on extension now, and when my program spawns the window most of the add-ons aren't listed under Tools->Manage Add-Ons
Is there anything I can try to load in at least this one extension?
Ok, So I think I may have narrowed down what's going on. when launched normally IE launches in 32bit mode.
当它使用SHDocVw生成时,它会加载64位。当我转到开始菜单并启动Internet Explorer(64位)时,也会缺少添加。 所以现在我需要弄清楚当从64bit的程序产生时如何强制32位IE。
When it's spawned using SHDocVw, it loads 64bit. When I go to the start menu and launch Internet Explorer (64-bit) the add on is missing also. So now I need to figure out how to force 32 bit IE when spawning from the program that's targeted to 64bit.
So I decided to just target 32bit mode until I figure out how to only target 32bit IE from within a 64bit program.
这篇关于在Windows 7-64中强制SHDocVw.InternetExplorer 32位而不是64位的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!