


I currently am using osmdroid with offline maps in the zip format and I would like to swap tiles that have been loaded for new tiles while my app is running. However, I don't know how to get the new tiles to load without exiting the app.


How do I force osmdroid to retrieve and load tiles from disk when I already have tiles loaded for that area?


If it helps here is the code I use to load the tiles initially:

File osmDir = new File("/mnt/sdcard/osmdroid");
File[] mapZips = osmDir.listFiles(new ZipFileFilter());

List<MapTileModuleProviderBase> overlayFileProvider = new ArrayList<MapTileModuleProviderBase>(mapZips.length);
myTileSource overlayFileTileSource = null;
IArchiveFile[] overlayFileArchive = new IArchiveFile[1];
for (File zip : mapZips)
overlayFileArchive[0] = ArchiveFileFactory.getArchiveFile(zip);
overlayFileTileSource = new myTileSource("MapquestOSM", null, 18, 18, 256, ".png");
overlayFileProvider.add(new MapTileFileArchiveProvider(new SimpleRegisterReceiver(getApplicationContext()), overlayFileTileSource, overlayFileArchive));

MapTileModuleProviderBase[] overlayFileProvider2 = new MapTileModuleProviderBase[overlayFileProvider.size()];
MapTileProviderArray overlayFileProviderArray1 = new MapTileProviderArray(overlayFileTileSource, null, overlayFileProvider.toArray(overlayFileProvider2));
    myTilesOverlay = new TilesOverlay(overlayFileProviderArray1, getApplicationContext());

说实话,我不完全理解这是怎么回事这个code然而,如果有谁知道哪里的解释是,这也将是AP preciated。

To be honest I don't completely understand what's going on with this code yet, if anyone knows where an explanation is that would also be appreciated.



When my app changes map tiles, it just restarts the Activity displaying the Map. It's inefficient, but at least it works.


Also this is a post about downloading maps, maybe it is helpful.https://groups.google.com/d/msg/osmdroid/-0wc7xfJfvA/nK9NZPtS7IIJ


10-20 00:57