


>> x = 1
>> x

我很想知道 x 正在返回1.我问,因为我看到调用 print x 和简单地 x 。

I'm curious about what method/function on x is returning 1. I'm asking because I'm seeing differences between calling print x and simply x.

同样,有没有办法指定所谓的内容? IPython中是否存在此配置?

Similary, is there a way to specify what is called? Does this configuration exist in IPython?


当您在,它调用对象的方法。相比之下, print 使用对象的方法。示例:

When you inspect an object in that manner in a REPL, it invokes the object's __repr__ method. In comparison, print uses the object's __str__ method. Example:

>>> class Widget:
...     def __repr__(self):
...             return "repr of a Widget"
...     def __str__(self):
...             return "str of a Widget"
>>> x = Widget()
>>> x
repr of a Widget
>>> print(x)
str of a Widget
>>> print([x,2,3])
[repr of a Widget, 2, 3]
>>> print(repr(x))
repr of a Widget
>>> print(str(x))
str of a Widget

定义<$ c $时c> __ repr __ __ str __ 对于您自己的课程,请尝试遵循文档中有关哪一个应该更详细和官方的建议。

When defining __repr__ and __str__ for your own classes, try to follow the documentation's suggestions regarding which one should be more detailed and "official".


10-16 20:28