

我一直想尝试rebol(或红色).我认为这可能是我下一个项目的理想选择.我已经下载并测试了红色0.5.4和REBOL/View 2.7( http://www .rebol.com/download-view.html )

I've been meaning to try out rebol (or red). I think it might be the perfect fit for my next project.I've downloaded and tested out red 0.5.4, and REBOL/View 2.7(http://www.rebol.com/download-view.html)


However, there are a couple of roadblocks for a complete beginner to rebol:

  1. 红色似乎仍在Alpha中,所以这是不可能的
  2. 似乎有3+(?)个分支:我不确定从何开始?
  3. 互联网上的大多数文档都是关于rebol 2的,而解释rebol 2和3之间的区别的文档是..不存在吗? (恰当的例子:解析不同)
  1. Red seems to be still in alpha so it is out of the question
  2. There seems to be 3+(?) branches: REBOL3 - what is the difference between the different branches? I'm not sure what to start on
  3. Most of the documentation on the internet is for rebol 2 and documentation explaining the differences between rebol 2 and 3 is.. non existent? (case in point: parse is different)


So, my question is, if I were to develop a (Windows) gui application with http access (including http authentication) where should I start?

我应该使用rebol 2,rebol 3(ren c)还是红色?

Should I use rebol 2, rebol 3(ren c), or red?


p.s. first question ever!


红色在Alpha中,因此您已经排除了它.据我所知,任何人都不支持带有视图的Rebol 3.因此,您可以使用Rebol2.我认为您仍然可以购买SDK的许可证.而且有很多人可以回答支持问题.

Red is in alpha so you've already excluded it. Rebol 3 with view is not supported by anyone as far as I know. So this leaves you with Rebol 2. I think you can still purchase a license for the SDK. And there are many people who can answer support questions.


06-15 21:07