我正在尝试实施一个流程,以便经理可以查看在开发人员可以签入到 TFS 2013 之前,所有开发人员的代码.
I'm trying to implement a process so that the manager can Review thecode of all developers before the developers can check in to TFS 2013.
Is there any process to require a review of the code by a human being before it is added to a real project?
我将 TFS 2013 与 Visual Studio 2013 结合使用.
I'm using TFS 2013 with Visual Studio 2013.
TFS 2013 支持开箱即用,并且使用起来非常简单.
TFS 2013 supports this out of the box, and is very straight forward to use.
Developer needs to file a request for review in the team explorer:
- 转到团队资源管理器
- 打开待处理的更改
- 在操作"菜单下,选择请求审核
- 指定审核人,然后发送.
目标用户(在您的情况下为经理)将收到通知(如果您已在 TFS 上配置电子邮件设置),并且还可以在团队资源管理器 > 我的工作中查看审核请求.
The target user (in your case, the manager) will get notified (if you've configured the Email settings on the TFS), and can also see the review requests in Team Explorer > My Work.
Reviewer 可以查看开发者所做的所有更改,对其进行评论,并将评论发送给开发者.整个事情发生在 Visual Studio 内部,所有评论都保存在 TFS 上,以后可以报告.
Reviewer can see all the changes made by the developer, comment on them, and send the comments to the developer. The whole thing happens inside Visual Studio, and all the comments are kept on TFS and can be reported later.
Also, upon completion of review, the reviewer can specify his/her opinion of the changes as "Looks Good", "With Comments" or "Needs Work".
请确保您在 MSDN 上阅读了有关此内容的页面:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh474795.aspx
Make sure you read this page on MSDN regarding this:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh474795.aspx
您还可以在第 9 频道观看此视频:http://channel9.msdn.com/Series/Visual-Studio-2012-Premium-and-Ultimate-Overview/Visual-Studio-Ultimate-2012-Using-Code-Review-to-Improve-Quality
You can also check out this video on Channel 9:http://channel9.msdn.com/Series/Visual-Studio-2012-Premium-and-Ultimate-Overview/Visual-Studio-Ultimate-2012-Using-Code-Review-to-Improve-Quality
To prevent check-in without a review, you can use a check-in policy. Here's a custom check-in policy that requires code review before check-in:
But I should point out that check-in policies are not security mechanisms, think of them as a reminder for the developer to send the code for check-in. Developers can easily override them.
If you really need to prevent any check-ins, you should deny commit permission for developers, and have them send their changes to the manager using a code-review (or shelve set). The manager can then unshelve the changes and commit after reviewing.
这篇关于签入 TFS 2013 之前的代码审查的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!