本文介绍了 pandas 高性能笛卡尔积(CROSS JOIN)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Given two simple DataFrames;

left = pd.DataFrame({'col1' : ['A', 'B', 'C'], 'col2' : [1, 2, 3]})
right = pd.DataFrame({'col1' : ['X', 'Y', 'Z'], 'col2' : [20, 30, 50]})


  col1  col2
0    A     1
1    B     2
2    C     3


  col1  col2
0    X    20
1    Y    30
2    Z    50


The cross product of these frames can be computed, and will look something like:

A       1      X      20
A       1      Y      30
A       1      Z      50
B       2      X      20
B       2      Y      30
B       2      Z      50
C       3      X      20
C       3      Y      30
C       3      Z      50


What is the most performant method of computing this result?



Let's start by establishing a benchmark. The easiest method for solving this is using a temporary "key" column:

def cartesian_product_basic(left, right):
    return (
       left.assign(key=1).merge(right.assign(key=1), on='key').drop('key', 1))

cartesian_product_basic(left, right)

  col1_x  col2_x col1_y  col2_y
0      A       1      X      20
1      A       1      Y      30
2      A       1      Z      50
3      B       2      X      20
4      B       2      Y      30
5      B       2      Z      50
6      C       3      X      20
7      C       3      Y      30
8      C       3      Z      50

这是如何为两个DataFrame分配一个具有相同值(例如1)的临时键"列的. merge然后对键"执行多对多JOIN.

How this works is that both DataFrames are assigned a temporary "key" column with the same value (say, 1). merge then performs a many-to-many JOIN on "key".


While the many-to-many JOIN trick works for reasonably sized DataFrames, you will see relatively lower performance on larger data.


A faster implementation will require NumPy. Here are some famous NumPy implementations of 1D cartesian product. We can build on some of these performant solutions to get our desired output. My favourite, however, is @senderle's first implementation.

def cartesian_product(*arrays):
    la = len(arrays)
    dtype = np.result_type(*arrays)
    arr = np.empty([len(a) for a in arrays] + [la], dtype=dtype)
    for i, a in enumerate(np.ix_(*arrays)):
        arr[...,i] = a
    return arr.reshape(-1, la)  


Generalizing: CROSS JOIN on Unique or Non-Unique Indexed DataFrames


This trick will work on any kind of DataFrame. We compute the cartesian product of the DataFrames' numeric indices using the aforementioned cartesian_product, use this to reindex the DataFrames, and

def cartesian_product_generalized(left, right):
    la, lb = len(left), len(right)
    idx = cartesian_product(np.ogrid[:la], np.ogrid[:lb])
    return pd.DataFrame(
        np.column_stack([left.values[idx[:,0]], right.values[idx[:,1]]]))

cartesian_product_generalized(left, right)

   0  1  2   3
0  A  1  X  20
1  A  1  Y  30
2  A  1  Z  50
3  B  2  X  20
4  B  2  Y  30
5  B  2  Z  50
6  C  3  X  20
7  C  3  Y  30
8  C  3  Z  50

np.array_equal(cartesian_product_generalized(left, right),
               cartesian_product_basic(left, right))


left2 = left.copy()
left2.index = ['s1', 's2', 's1']

right2 = right.copy()
right2.index = ['x', 'y', 'y']

   col1  col2
s1    A     1
s2    B     2
s1    C     3

  col1  col2
x    X    20
y    Y    30
y    Z    50

np.array_equal(cartesian_product_generalized(left, right),
               cartesian_product_basic(left2, right2))


This solution can generalise to multiple DataFrames. For example,

def cartesian_product_multi(*dfs):
    idx = cartesian_product(*[np.ogrid[:len(df)] for df in dfs])
    return pd.DataFrame(
        np.column_stack([df.values[idx[:,i]] for i,df in enumerate(dfs)]))

cartesian_product_multi(*[left, right, left]).head()

   0  1  2   3  4  5
0  A  1  X  20  A  1
1  A  1  X  20  B  2
2  A  1  X  20  C  3
3  A  1  X  20  D  4
4  A  1  Y  30  A  1



Further Simplification

A simpler solution not involving @senderle's cartesian_product is possible when dealing with just two DataFrames. Using np.broadcast_arrays, we can achieve almost the same level of performance.

def cartesian_product_simplified(left, right):
    la, lb = len(left), len(right)
    ia2, ib2 = np.broadcast_arrays(*np.ogrid[:la,:lb])

    return pd.DataFrame(
        np.column_stack([left.values[ia2.ravel()], right.values[ib2.ravel()]]))

np.array_equal(cartesian_product_simplified(left, right),
               cartesian_product_basic(left2, right2))



Performance Comparison

Benchmarking these solutions on some contrived DataFrames with unique indices, we have


Do note that timings may vary based on your setup, data, and choice of cartesian_product helper function as applicable.


Performance Benchmarking Code
This is the timing script. All functions called here are defined above.

from timeit import timeit
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

res = pd.DataFrame(
       index=['cartesian_product_basic', 'cartesian_product_generalized', 
              'cartesian_product_multi', 'cartesian_product_simplified'],
       columns=[1, 10, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1000, 2000],

for f in res.index: 
    for c in res.columns:
        # print(f,c)
        left2 = pd.concat([left] * c, ignore_index=True)
        right2 = pd.concat([right] * c, ignore_index=True)
        stmt = '{}(left2, right2)'.format(f)
        setp = 'from __main__ import left2, right2, {}'.format(f)
        res.at[f, c] = timeit(stmt, setp, number=5)

ax = res.div(res.min()).T.plot(loglog=True) 
ax.set_ylabel("time (relative)");


这篇关于 pandas 高性能笛卡尔积(CROSS JOIN)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-11 22:49