本文介绍了为什么`search.web` YQL表不再起作用?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


当我使用search.web YQL表时,总是出现错误:

When I'm using search.web YQL table, I always get the error:

在我的YQL语句中.即使使用SELECT url FROM search.web(0,10) WHERE query="stackoverflow"例如.

in my YQL statements. Even when using SELECT url FROM search.web(0,10) WHERE query="stackoverflow" for example.


So I am assuming Yahoo discontinued search.web or BOSS? What are the alternatives? Is there still a similar way to crawl the web?



We can read in YQL Blog:

对于那些依赖那些表的人,请考虑使用社区BOSS v2表( https://github.com/yql/yql-tables/blob/master/boss/boss.search.xml ).

For those of you relying on those tables please consider using the community BOSS v2 table (https://github.com/yql/yql-tables/blob/master/boss/boss.search.xml).


来源:在YQL博客中搜索表格和BOSS v1 .

因此,您应该转到其他搜索服务,例如Y! BOSS v2.如上所述,已经有针对此的开放数据表,示例查询如下所示:

As a result, you should move to another search service like Y! BOSS v2. As mentioned above there are already open data tables for that, and an example query would look like:

SELECT * FROM boss.search WHERE query="stackoverflow"
AND ck="your oauth consumer key"
AND secret="your oauth secret"


Another alternative is to use Bing search:

SELECT * FROM microsoft.bing.web WHERE query="stackoverflow"

这篇关于为什么`search.web` YQL表不再起作用?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

06-15 19:02