

我正在使用一种算法,对于每次迭代,都需要找到一组Voronoi图属于哪个Voronoi图的区域.也就是说,每个坐标位于哪个区域. (我们可以假设所有坐标都属于一个区域,如果有任何区别的话.)

I am working with an algorithm that, for each iteration, needs to find which region of a Voronoi diagram a set of arbirary coordinats belong to. that is, which region each coordinate is located within. (We can assume that all coordinates will belong to a region, if that makes any difference.)


I don't have any code that works in Python yet, but the the pseudo code looks something like this:

## we are in two dimensions and we have 0<x<1, 0<y<1.

for i in xrange(1000):
  XY = get_random_points_in_domain()
  XY_candidates = get_random_points_in_domain()
  vor = Voronoi(XY) # for instance scipy.spatial.Voronoi
  regions = get_regions_of_candidates(vor,XY_candidates) # this is the function i need

  ## use regions for something


I know that the scipy.Delaunay has a function called find_simplex which will do pretty much what I want for simplices in a Delaunay triangulation, but I need the Voronoi diagram, and constructing both is something I wish to avoid.






Jamie's solution is exactly what I wanted. I'm a little embarrassed that I didn't think of it myself though ...



You don't need to actually calculate the Voronoi regions for this. By definition the Voronoi region around a point in your set is made up of all points that are closer to that point than to any other point in the set. So you only need to calculate distances and find nearest neighbors. Using scipy's cKDTree you could do:

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree

n_voronoi, n_test = 100, 1000

voronoi_points = np.random.rand(n_voronoi, 2)
test_points = np.random.rand(n_test, 2)

voronoi_kdtree = cKDTree(voronoi_points)

test_point_dist, test_point_regions = voronoi_kdtree.query(test_points, k=1)

test_point_regions现在保存一个形状为(n_test, 1)的数组,该数组中voronoi_points中的点的索引最接近每个test_points.

test_point_regions Now holds an array of shape (n_test, 1) with the indices of the points in voronoi_points closest to each of your test_points.


09-26 15:11