

当人们尝试使用CNN解决语义分割的任务时,他们通常在训练过程中使用softmax-crossentropy损失(请参阅完全转换-Long ).但是,在比较不同方法的性能时,报告了诸如交叉路口交叉连接之类的措施.

When people try to solve the task of semantic segmentation with CNN's they usually use a softmax-crossentropy loss during training (see Fully conv. - Long). But when it comes to comparing the performance of different approaches measures like intersection-over-union are reported.


My question is why don't people train directly on the measure they want to optimize? Seems odd to me to train on some measure during training, but evaluate on another measure for benchmarks.

我可以看到,IOU在没有类的情况下训练样本存在问题(联合= 0和交集= 0 =>除以零).但是,当我可以确保我的每个基本事实样本都包含所有类别时,还有其他理由不使用此度量标准吗?

I can see that the IOU has problems for training samples, where the class is not present (union=0 and intersection=0 => division zero by zero). But when I can ensure that every sample of my ground truth contains all classes, is there another reason for not using this measure?



Checkout this paper where they come up with a way to make the concept of IoU differentiable. I implemented their solution with amazing results!


09-14 15:19