

我希望我的 .sideBar .contentHolder 元素在 .displayContainer

问题是 .displayContainer 会渲染不必要的垂直滚动条。水平滚动条是好的,但没有必要使用垂直滚动条。

我检查过,发现 .displayContainer 并且子元素具有相同的计算高度。那么为什么会有一个垂直滚动条?


  body,html {margin:0px; padding:0px; border:0px;高度:100%; width:100%;}。displayContainer {height:100%;宽度:100%; overflow:auto; white-space:nowrap;}。sideBar {background-color:green; display:inline-block; width:20%; height:100%;}。contentHolder {background-color:red; display:inline-block;宽度:100%; height:100%;}  
 < div class = displayContainer> < div class =sideBar>< / div> < div class =contentHolder>< / div>< / div>  

由于所有内联级元素默认为 vertical-align:baseline ,元素如按钮 input textarea img 在您的代码中, inline-block div将从容器底部边缘略微提升。

a href =https://i.stack.imgur.com/jQaJx.png =nofollow noreferrer>




  1. 覆盖 vertical-align:baseline vertical-align:bottom (或)。 p>

  2. 显示:inline-block 切换到 display:block

  3. 在父项上设置 line-height:0

  4. 在父级上设置 font-size:0 。 (如有必要,您可以恢复儿童的字体大小。)

I want my .sideBar and .contentHolder elements inside of .displayContainer.

The problem is .displayContainer is rendering an unnecessary vertical scroll bar. Horizontal scroll bar is okay, but there is no need for a vertical scroll bar.

I have inspected and found that the .displayContainer and the child elements have the same computed height. So then why is there a vertical scroll bar?

Can anyone give me an idea how to remove it?

body, html {
  margin: 0px;
  padding: 0px;
  border: 0px;
  height: 100%;
  width: 100%;
.displayContainer {
  height: 100%;
  width: 100%;
  overflow: auto;
  white-space: nowrap;
.sideBar {
  background-color: green;
  display: inline-block;
  width: 20%;
  height: 100%;
.contentHolder {
  background-color: red;
  display: inline-block;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
<div class="displayContainer">
  <div class="sideBar"></div>
  <div class="contentHolder"></div>



Short Answer

You've run into one of the sneakiest default settings in CSS: vertical-align: baseline

Switch the value to top, bottom or middle, and you should be all set.

Long Answer

The initial value of the vertical-align property, which applies to inline-level elements, is baseline. This allows browsers to provide space below elements for so-called descenders.

In typography, lowercase letters such as j, g, p and y are known as descenders because they breach the baseline.

Being that all inline-level elements are, by default, vertical-align: baseline, elements such as button, input, textarea, img and, like in your code, inline-block divs, will be elevated slightly from the bottom edge of their container.

This descender space adds height inside the container, which causes an overflow and triggers the vertical scroll.

You can see the descender space by scrolling to the bottom of your demo. You'll notice the small gap between the child elements and the bottom edge.

Here are several ways to handle this:

  1. Override vertical-align: baseline with vertical-align: bottom (or another value).

  2. Switch from display: inline-block to display: block.

  3. Set a line-height: 0 on the parent.

  4. Set a font-size: 0 on the parent. (If necessary, you can restore the font-size on the children.)


10-11 19:35