What's the difference between Screen Orientation and -Rotation on Android? The terms are often used interchangeably on the web it seems.
据上的德precation 讨论Display.getOrientation()的getRotation()的概念经常被误解/混淆。不进一步说明但是提供
According to a discussion on the deprecation of Display.getOrientation() for getRotation() the concepts are often misunderstood/confused. No further explanation is provided however.
I suspect it's important to understand the intricacies of Orientation and Rotation on Android devices to correctly display an App even on exotic devices.
At the link you gave Miss Dianne Hackborn clearly stated;
getOrientation()从未返回方向,它返回旋转所以它被重命名为getRotation()这是的多的减少混乱其实你感到困惑 - 。你以为它返回方向,当它没有。
"getOrientation() has never returned orientation, it returns rotation. So it is being renamed to getRotation(). This is much less confusing. In fact you were confused -- you thought it returned orientation, when it does not."
- 定位:是概念界定的风景,肖像,...
- 旋转:返回从屏幕的旋转的天然的取向。的自然取向在这里很重要的,因为它是横向上更小的设备片剂和肖像。
- Orientation: is concept for defining landscape, portrait, ...
- Rotation: Returns the rotation of the screen from its "natural" orientation. The natural orientation is important here, because it is landscape on tablets and portrait on smaller devices.