


Ok, so i am working on project euler problem 3 in python. I am kind of confused. I can't tell if the answers that i am getting with this program are correct or not. If somone could please tell me what im doing wrong it would be great!

#import pdb

prime_list=[2] #Begin with zero so that we can pop later without errors.

#Define a function that finds all the odd numbers in the range of a number
def oddNumbers(x):

    x+=1 #add one to the number because range does not include it
    for i in range(x):
        if i%2!=0: #If it cannot be evenly divided by two it is eliminated
            odd_list.append(i) #Add it too the list

    return odd_list 

def findPrimes(number_to_test, list_of_odd_numbers_in_tested_number): # Pass in the prime number to test
    for i in list_of_odd_numbers_in_tested_number:
        if number_to_test % i==0:
            number_to_test=number_to_test / i

            #prime_list.pop(-2) #remove the old number so that we only have the biggest

    if prime_list==[1]:
            print "This has no prime factors other than 1"
            print prime_list
    return prime_list


number_to_test=raw_input("What number would you like to find the greatest prime of?\n:")

#Convert the input to an integer

#Pass the number to the oddnumbers function

#Pass the return of the oddnumbers function to the findPrimes function
findPrimes(number_to_test , odds)        



  • 数字600851475143很大,不鼓励您使用蛮力.
  • oddNumbers函数用于将600851475143 / 2数字放入odd_list,这将很多.
  • 检查数字是否可以除以奇数并不意味着该奇数是质数.您提供的算法有误.
  • 有很多关于素数的数学/算法技巧,您应该先在线搜索它们,然后筛选答案.您还可能会扎根问题,以确保您已经解决一些问题.
    • the number 600851475143 is big to discourage you to use brute-force.
    • the oddNumbers function in going to put 600851475143 / 2 numbers in odd_list, that's a lot of memory.
    • checking that a number can be divided by an odd number does not mean the odd number is a prime number. the algorithm you provided is wrong.
    • there are a lot of mathematical/algorithm tricks about prime numbers, you should and search them online then sieve through the answers. you might also get to the root of the problem to make sure you have squared away some of the issues.
    • 您可以使用生成器来获取赔率列表(并非对您有帮助):

      you could use a generator to get the list of odds (not that it will help you):

      odd_list = xrange(1, number+1, 2)


      here are the concepts needed to deal with prime numbers:

      • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sieve_of_Eratosthenes
      • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primality_test


      if you are really stuck, then there are solutions already there:

      • Project Euler #3, infinite loop on factorization
      • Project Euler 3 - Why does this method work?
      • Project Euler Question 3 Help


10-22 09:43