这里有人知道如何使用 .net(4.6 及更高版本)System.Numerics.Quaternion 旋转 vector3?
Anybody here know how to rotate a vector3 using .net(4.6 and up) System.Numerics.Quaternion?
虽然我的数学很差,但我的理解只是:四元数是 4d 的结构",可以在 3d 中产生平移、缩放和旋转.
My maths is pretty poor though and my understanding only really goes as far as: quaternions are 4d "structures" that can produce translation, scaling and rotation in 3d.
所以我玩了一场,不能轮换.做看起来很明显的事情:改变四元数的 W 分量.(角度)然后读取向量产生缩放?!?任何人都可以帮助或指出正确的方向寻求帮助?
So I had a play and cannot get any rotation. Doing what seemed obvious : changing the W component of the Quaternion.(angle) then reading the vector produces scaling ?!? Anyone able to help or point me in the right direction for help?
My current rotation (non-quaternion) code (X-axis example)
Private Sub Xaxis_rotation(ByVal angle As Double)
Dim Cangle As Double = Cos(angle)
Dim Sangle As Double = Sin(angle)
Parallel.For(1, vertcount, Sub(f As Int32)
Verts(f) -= modelcenter
Verts(f).Y = (Verts(f).Y * Cangle) + (Verts(f).Z * Sangle)
Verts(f).Z = (Verts(f).Z / Cangle) - (Verts(f).Y * Sangle)
Verts(f) += modelcenter
End Sub)
End Sub
Dim rotAxis As Vector3 = Vector3.UnitX
Dim rotangle As Single = 0.785398 '45 degrees as radians
Dim q As Quaternion = Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(rotAxis, rotangle)
Dim aVector As Vector3 = *vector to be rotated*
Dim resultQ As Quaternion = q * Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(aVector, 0) / q
aVector.X = resultQ.X
aVector.Y = resultQ.Y
aVector.Z = resultQ.Z
q*Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(aVector, 0)/q 是我最好的猜测,但它不会产生旋转.
q*Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(aVector, 0) / q is my best guess but it does not produce rotation.
下面使用 Vector3.Transform 的代码比之前定义 resultq 四元数的方法更快并且看起来更准确.
The code below using Vector3.Transform is faster and appears more accurate than the previous method, defining the resultq Quaternion.
Public Shared Sub Rotate_point(ByRef Vect As Vector3, CentPoint As Vector3, angles As Vector3)
Dim Rotator As Quaternion = Quaternion.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(angles.Y, angles.X, angles.Z) 'rotation in radians
Vect -= CentPoint '---------The point to rotate around.
Vect = Vector3.Transform(Vect, Rotator)
Vect += CentPoint
End Sub
这篇关于使用 System.Numerics.Quaternion 的 3D 旋转的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!