

我需要从上次设备启动中获取NSTimeInterval值.我找到了适合此任务的CACurrentMediaTime(),但是在我的应用中,我没有使用Core Animation,并且我认为这不是为了获得此功能而包括此框架的最佳方法.还有另一种方法可以从上次启动中获得几秒钟的时间,这是一种更优雅的方式吗?

I need to get NSTimeInterval value from last device boot. I found CACurrentMediaTime() which suits this task, but in my app I am not using Core Animation and I don't think that this is the best way to include this framework just to get this function. Is there another way to get time in seconds from last boot more elegant way?


自上次系统重启以来的 NSTimeInterval 值可以通过以下Foundation对象和方法直接获取:

The NSTimeInterval value since the last system restart can be acquired more directly via the following Foundation object and method:

[[NSProcessInfo processInfo] systemUptime]


09-17 04:25