本文介绍了Three.js - 计算相对旋转的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个 THREE.Scene,其中添加了两个网格,meshAmeshB,每个网格都以不同的方式旋转.我的目标是从场景中移除 meshB 并将其重新添加为 meshA 的子项,同时保留其全局位置和旋转——换句话说,位置和meshB 的旋转在这段代码前后应该是一样的.

I have a THREE.Scene with two meshes added, meshA and meshB, each of which has been rotated in different ways. My goal is to remove meshB from the scene and re-add it as a child of meshA, while preserving its global position and rotation -- in other words, the position and rotation of meshB should appear the same before and after this code.


My current, almost working attempt is as follows:

var globalOffset = new THREE.Vector3().subVectors( meshB.position, meshA.position );
var localOffset = meshA.worldToLocal( meshB.position );

var rotationOffset = meshA.quaternion.clone().inverse();
var rotation = meshB.quaternion.clone().multiply( rotationOffset );


meshB.position = localOffset;

定位工作正常;只有 meshAmeshB 都围绕同一轴旋转时,旋转才有效——如果 meshAmeshB已绕不同轴旋转,meshB 似乎在此代码前后更改旋转.

The positioning works fine; the rotation only works if both meshA and meshB have been rotated around the same axis -- if meshA and meshB have been rotated around different axes, meshB appears to change rotation before and after this code.

我如何更正上面的代码(或不同方法的想法)的任何想法,以便 meshB 在被删除和重新添加到之前和之后仍然具有相同的全局"旋转场景?

Any ideas how I can correct the code above (or an idea for a different approach) so that meshB still has the same "global" rotation before and after being removed and re-added to the scene?



您想从场景中移除 meshB 并将其重新添加为 meshA 的子项,同时保持其全局位置和旋转.

You want to remove meshB from the scene and re-add it as a child of meshA, while preserving its global position and rotation.


meshA.attach( meshB );

three.js r.109

three.js r.109

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06-15 12:44