

UITableView单元格有多行的最佳方法是什么?让我们说5 ..或6?

What's the best way to have UITableView cells with multiple lines ? Let's say 5.. or 6 ?

而不是textLabel和la detailTextLabel?我应该创建自定义样式吗?或自定义视图?

Instead of textLabel and la detailTextLabel ? Should I create a custom style ? or a custom view ?


Any tutorial / example is well accepted.




You can use the existing UILabel views in the UITableViewCell for this. The secret is to do the following:

cell.textLabel.numberOfLines = 0;
cell.textLabel.lineBreakMode = UILineBreakModeWordWrap;


By default, the UILabel only allows 1 line of text. Setting numberOfLines to 0 basically removes any limitations on the number of lines displayed. This allows you to have multiple lines of text.

lineBreakMode到Word Wrap的设置告诉它将长行文本换行到标签的下一行。如果您不想这样,可以跳过该行。

The setting of the lineBreakMode to Word Wrap tells it to word wrap long lines of text onto the next line in the label. If you don't want this, you can skip that line.


You may also have to adjust the height of the table view cell as needed to make more room for the multiple lines of text you add.

对于iOS 6.0及更高版本,请使用 NSLineBreakByWordWrapping 而不是 UILineBreakModeWordWrap ,已弃用。

For iOS 6.0 and later, use NSLineBreakByWordWrapping instead of UILineBreakModeWordWrap, which has been deprecated.


08-31 02:04