

我的网络应用框架在无效字段之后立即为无序列表< UL> 中的每个字段提供格式错误。我的问题是我无法设置样式,因此错误与表单字段列在同一行。而是在< UL> 之前呈现换行符。

My web-app framework renders form errors for each field in an unordered list <UL> immediately following the invalid field. My problem is that I haven't been able to style things so that the error(s) are listed on the same line with the form field. A line break is instead rendered before the <UL>.


This is the html that I'm trying to style, showing a server-determined invalid field:

    <label for="id_email">Email</label>
    <input id="id_email" type="text" name="email" />
    <span class='field_required'> *</span>
    <ul class="errorlist"><li>This field is required.</li></ul>

如何防止'field_required' span 为每个必填字段显示一个星号,以及在表单未通过验证时(在服务器上)显示的错误列表?

How can I prevent a line-break between the 'field_required' span displaying an asterisk for each required field and the 'errorlist' that is rendered if the form doesn't validate (on the server)?


  span.field_required {color:red; display:inline;}
  ul.errorlist {list-style-type: none; display:inline;}
  ul.errorlist li {display: inline; color:red; }


UPDATE:Thanks for everyone's help to date!

尽管我的框架(django)默认以< UL> 。根据很好的建议,我尝试将列表包装在自己样式的< p> &span> 中。现在,将列表包装为< span> 可以在Firefox 3.0中使用,但不能在Safari 4.0中使用。

I have control of the HTML out, although my framework (django) defaults to giving errors as a <UL>. As per the great suggestions I have tried wrapping the list in it's own styled <p> and <span>. Wrapping the list in a <span> now works in Firefox 3.0, but not in Safari 4.0.

何时我检查了Safari中的元素,即使不是如何使用HTML,但该段落似乎在< UL> 之前立即关闭了

When I inspect the element in Safari it seems that the paragraph is being closed immediately before the <UL>, even though this is not how the HTML source looks.

我偶然发现了跨浏览器的错误吗? (不。请参见下文!)

Have I stumbled on a cross-browser bug? (Nope. See below!)


FINAL SOLUTION: Thanks for all the help. Here is how I finally fixed the problem:

  • 替换了< p> 标签字段错误组合周围的标签,其< div> 样式为 clear:both; 。感谢jennyfofenny指出W3C规范禁止在< p> 内进行阻塞(在我的情况下为列表),从而赢得了答案。这就是为什么Safari尽管Firefox允许幻灯片自动滑动而自动关闭了我的段落的原因。

  • Replaced the <p> tags around the label-field-error combo with a <div> styled with clear:both;. Thanks to jennyfofenny for pointing out that the W3C spec prohibits a block (in my case the list) inside a <p> - and thus wins the answer tick. This is why Safari was automagically closing my paragraph before the list, although Firefox let it slide.


I then style my list thus:

ul.errorlist {list-style-type: none; display:inline; margin-left: 0; padding-left: 0;}
ul.errorlist li {display: inline; color:red; font-size: 0.8em; margin-left: 0px; padding-left: 10px;}



What about setting the p tag to display: inline as well? Is that an option?

p { display: inline; }


As for the p tag issue... I don't believe the W3C specifications allow an unordered list tag within a paragraph tag. From http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/struct/text.html#h-9.3.1:


08-03 21:49