


Basically, I want to login once before all my tests in all files are executed.


Should I call my login command in each test file using the before hook or is there any way to do it once before all tests?


简短答案:您可以在 supportFile中的 before 钩子中的 before中编写您的登录命令.(在其他规格文件之前自动加载的文件).此 before 钩子将在其他测试文件中的任何代码之前运行.

Short answer: You can write your login command in a before hook within the supportFile (the file that is loaded automatically before your other spec files). This before hook will run before any of the code in your other test files.


Recommendations: That being said, this approach leaves little flexibility for variation in your individual test files that you may want in the future like:

  • 如果要为一次测试以不同的方式为数据库播种怎么办?
  • 如果您想以具有不同权限的其他用户身份登录怎么办?
  • 如果您需要一次在 onBeforeLoad 中执行某项操作怎么办?
  • What if you want to seed the database differently for one test?
  • What if you want to log in as a different user with different permissions?
  • What if you need to do something in onBeforeLoad once?

我建议只在每个单独的spec文件中的 before 钩子中包含登录命令.

I would recommend just having the login command in a before hook in each individual spec file.

我还进一步建议将您的登录命令放在 beforeEach 挂钩中,以避免在测试之间共享任何状态.

I would also further recommend having your login command in a beforeEach hook to avoid sharing any state in between tests.


10-22 14:06