


Does running a SKTransition on a SKScene destroy the origin SKScene?


 SKTransition *reveal = [SKTransition revealWithDirection:SKTransitionDirectionDown duration:1.0];
    GameConfigScene *newScene = [[GameConfigScene alloc] initWithSize: CGSizeMake(1024,768)]];
//  Optionally, insert code to configure the new scene.
    [self.scene.view presentScene: newScene transition: reveal];


Will the current scene be destroyed when the transition is executed? Or is still on memory? Has the new scene a reference to the old scene?


让我们假设你的场景属性是这样的 @property(弱)SKScene * scene; 然后答案是YES,当你呈现另一个场景或从堆栈弹出它时会被销毁。

如果您的房产如 @property(强)SKScene *场景,那么答案是否定的,您的场景将保留在内存中,直到您完成这个 self.scene = nil;

但请记住, SKView 会视频显示所呈现的场景你应该在你的应用程序中的某个地方取消它以避免保留周期(当你拥有强大的财产时)。

Lets assume that your scene property is like this @property(weak) SKScene *scene; then the answer is YES, will be destroyed when you present another scene or pop it from the stack.
If you have your property like @property(strong) SKScene *scene, then the answer is NO, your scene will stay in memory until you do this self.scene = nil;
But remember that the SKView retinas the presented scene so you should nil it somewhere in your app to avoid retain cycles (when you have strong property).


09-12 20:41