


I have a fairly complex project in the works that requires a custom volume slider to control an HTML5 video element. I've boiled the volume control down to a very simple example and I see no reason why it should not be working. I would love any insight regarding the following code:


$(function() {
    $('#volume').change(function () {
        newvolume = $('#volume').attr("value") / 100;
        $('#video').attr("volume", newvolume);


<video id="video" controls="controls">
    <source src="http://dev.domain.com/media/16514.m4v">

<input id="volume" type="range" min="0" max="100" value="100" />

应该注意的是,除了视频音量发生变化外,其他方面似乎都有效夹。甚至console.log结果返回正确的值(0到1.00)我也尝试了严格的Javascript版本,即 videoElement.volume = newvolume

It should be noted that every aspect of this appears to work except an audible change in volume on the video clip. Even the console.log result is returning the correct value (0 through 1.00) I have also tried the strictly Javascript version of this, i.e. videoElement.volume = newvolume

如果它很重要,我在Safari 5.1.2中测试。

If it's significant, I am testing in Safari 5.1.2.


$('#video')。attr(volume,newvolume); ,试试这个:

$('#video')[0].volume = newvolume;

如果内存服务, volume 不是HTML5中 video 的属性,只能通过DOM元素本身访问。

If memory serves, volume is not an attribute of video in HTML5, it is only accesible via the DOM element itself.


09-18 22:18