I have a dataset consisting of a certain temperature profile and I wanna fit or map the measurement points on temperature profile which is following:
停留时间: 30分钟
上架时间: 1分钟
周期数: 1000个周期
测量点时间段: 16分钟
Measure points can be happened in either in high regim +150 or low regim -40
注意:T0(初始时间)不清楚,因此时间参考也不清楚. T0 = 0.
Note: The T0 (initial time) is not clear so time reference is not clear eg. T0=0 .
我已经在Pandas DataFrame中获取了数据:
I already fetched the data in Pandas DataFrame:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
df = pd.read_csv('D:\SOF.csv', header=None)
data = {'A': A[:,0], 'B': B[:,0], 'Temperature': Temperature[:,0],
'S':S, 'C':C , 'Measurement_Points':MP}
dff = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['A','B','Temperature','S','C','MP'], index = id_set[:,0])
# Temperature's range is [-40,+150]
# MP's range is [0-3000] from 1st MP till last one
MP = int(len(dff)/480) # calculate number of measurement points
for cycle in range(MP):
j = cycle * 480
#use mean or average of each 480 values from temperature column of DataFrame to pass for fit on Thermal profile
Mean_temp = np.mean(df['Temperature'].iloc[j:j+480]) # by using Mean from numpy
#Mean_temp = df.groupby('Temperature').mean() #by using groupby
到目前为止,我只是基于答案和此 但是我想知道拟合过程如何在这里正常工作,我想将温度值仅舍入到最接近的或者 -40 或 +150 .如果有人可以帮助我,我会很好!
So far I just find curve_fit
from scipy.optimize
based on this answer and this post but I am wondering how the fitting process could work right here in the other hand I would like Temperature values round only to the nearest either -40 or +150 .I would be nice if someone can help me!
Update: Standard periodic Thermal profile pic is following:
更新的数据示例: 数据
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
### to generate test data
def temp( t , low, high, period, ramp ):
tRed = t % period
dwell = period / 2. - ramp
if tRed < dwell:
out = high
elif tRed < dwell + ramp:
out = high - ( tRed - dwell ) / ramp * ( high - low )
elif tRed < 2 * dwell + ramp:
out = low
elif tRed <= period:
out = low + ( tRed - 2 * dwell - ramp)/ramp * ( high -low )
assert 0
return out + np.random.normal()
### A continuous function that somewhat fits the data
### but definitively gets the period and levels.
### The ramp is less well defined
def fit_func( t, low, high, period, s, delta):
return ( high + low ) / 2. + ( high - low )/2. * np.tanh( s * np.sin( 2 * np.pi * ( t - delta ) / period ) )
time1List = np.arange( 300 ) * 16
time2List = np.linspace( 0, 300 * 16, 7213 )
tempList = np.fromiter( ( temp(t - 6.3 , 41, 155, 63.3, 2.05 ) for t in time1List ), np.float )
funcList = np.fromiter( ( fit_func(t , 41, 155, 63.3, 10., 0 ) for t in time2List ), np.float )
sol, err = curve_fit( fit_func, time1List, tempList, [ 40, 150, 63, 10, 0 ] )
print sol
fittedLow, fittedHigh, fittedPeriod, fittedS, fittedOff = sol
realHigh = fit_func( fittedPeriod / 4., *sol)
realLow = fit_func( 3 / 4. * fittedPeriod, *sol)
print "high, low : ", [ realHigh, realLow ]
print "apprx ramp: ", fittedPeriod/( 2 * np.pi * fittedS ) * 2
realAmp = realHigh - realLow
rampX, rampY = zip( *[ [ t, d ] for t, d in zip( time1List, tempList ) if ( ( d < realHigh - 0.05 * realAmp ) and ( d > realLow + 0.05 * realAmp ) ) ] )
topX, topY = zip( *[ [ t, d ] for t, d in zip( time1List, tempList ) if ( ( d > realHigh - 0.05 * realAmp ) ) ] )
botX, botY = zip( *[ [ t, d ] for t, d in zip( time1List, tempList ) if ( ( d < realLow + 0.05 * realAmp ) ) ] )
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot( 2, 1, 1 )
bx = fig.add_subplot( 2, 1, 2 )
ax.plot( time1List, tempList, marker='x', linestyle='', zorder=100 )
ax.plot( time2List, fit_func( time2List, *sol ), zorder=0 )
bx.plot( time1List, tempList, marker='x', linestyle='' )
bx.plot( time2List, fit_func( time2List, *sol ) )
bx.plot( rampX, rampY, linestyle='', marker='o', markersize=10, fillstyle='none', color='r')
bx.plot( topX, topY, linestyle='', marker='o', markersize=10, fillstyle='none', color='#00FFAA')
bx.plot( botX, botY, linestyle='', marker='o', markersize=10, fillstyle='none', color='#80DD00')
bx.set_xlim( [ 0, 800 ] )
>> [155.0445024 40.7417905 63.29983807 13.07677546 -26.36945489]
>> high, low : [155.04450237880076, 40.741790521444436]
>> apprx ramp: 1.540820542195840
有几件事要注意.如果斜率比停留时间小,我的拟合功能会更好.此外,在这里可以找到几篇文章,其中讨论了阶跃函数的拟合.通常,由于拟合需要有意义的导数,因此离散函数是一个问题.至少有两种解决方案. a)制作一个连续的版本,进行拟合,然后根据您的喜好使结果离散化;或者b)提供一个离散的函数和一个手动连续导数.
There is a few things to note. My fit function works better if the ramp is small compared to the dwell time. Moreover, one will find several posts here where the fitting of step functions is discussed. In general, as fitting requires a meaningful derivative, discrete functions are a problem. There are at least two solutions. a) make a continuous version, fit, and make the result discrete to your liking or b) provide a discrete function and a manual continuous derivative.
So here is what I get working with your newly posted data set:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit, minimize
def partition( inList, n ):
return zip( *[ iter( inList ) ] * n )
def temp( t, low, high, period, ramp, off ):
tRed = (t - off ) % period
dwell = period / 2. - ramp
if tRed < dwell:
out = high
elif tRed < dwell + ramp:
out = high - ( tRed - dwell ) / ramp * ( high - low )
elif tRed < 2 * dwell + ramp:
out = low
elif tRed <= period:
out = low + ( tRed - 2 * dwell - ramp)/ramp * ( high -low )
assert 0
return out
def chi2( params, xData=None, yData=None, verbose=False ):
low, high, period, ramp, off = params
th = np.fromiter( ( temp( t, low, high, period, ramp, off ) for t in xData ), np.float )
diff = ( th - yData )
diff2 = diff**2
out = np.sum( diff2 )
if verbose:
print '-----------'
print th
print diff
print diff2
print '-----------'
return out
# ~ return th
def fit_func( t, low, high, period, s, delta):
return ( high + low ) / 2. + ( high - low )/2. * np.tanh( s * np.sin( 2 * np.pi * ( t - delta ) / period ) )
inData = np.loadtxt('SOF2.csv', skiprows=1, delimiter=',' )
inData2 = inData[ :, 2 ]
xList = np.arange( len(inData2) )
inData480 = partition( inData2, 480 )
xList480 = partition( xList, 480 )
inDataMean = np.fromiter( (np.mean( x ) for x in inData480 ), np.float )
xMean = np.arange( len( inDataMean) ) * 16
time1List = np.linspace( 0, 16 * len(inDataMean), 500 )
sol, err = curve_fit( fit_func, xMean, inDataMean, [ -40, 150, 60, 10, 10 ] )
print sol
# ~ print chi2([-49,155,62.5,1 , 8.6], xMean, inDataMean )
res = minimize( chi2, [-44.12, 150.0, 62.0, 8.015, 12.3 ], args=( xMean, inDataMean ), method='nelder-mead' )
# ~ print res
print res.x
# ~ print chi2( res.x, xMean, inDataMean, verbose=True )
# ~ print chi2( [-44.12, 150.0, 62.0, 8.015, 6.3], xMean, inDataMean, verbose=True )
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot( 2, 1, 1 )
bx = fig.add_subplot( 2, 1, 2 )
for x,y in zip( xList480, inData480):
ax.plot( x, y, marker='x', linestyle='', zorder=100 )
bx.plot( xMean, inDataMean , marker='x', linestyle='' )
bx.plot( time1List, fit_func( time1List, *sol ) )
bx.plot( time1List, np.fromiter( ( temp( t , *res.x ) for t in time1List ), np.float) )
bx.plot( time1List, np.fromiter( ( temp( t , -44.12, 150.0, 62.0, 8.015, 12.3 ) for t in time1List ), np.float) )
>> [-49.53569904 166.92138068 62.56131027 1.8547409 8.75673747]
>> [-34.12188737 150.02194584 63.81464913 8.26491754 13.88344623]
As you can see, the data point on the ramp does not fit in. So, it might be that the 16 min time is not that constant? That would be a problem as this is not a local x-error but an accumulating effect.