


I'm doing some writing of data to my documents directory and I was wondering if there is a way to tell when my writeToFile method completes and the file I am creating has be fully created. Thanks in advance here is the method I am calling I am just looking for a way wether it is a delegate method or some other way to tell when this completes.

[imageData writeToFile:fullPathToFile atomically:YES];



方法 writeToFile:atomically 是同步。它将写入文件,然后返回 YES NO ,具体取决于文件是否成功写入。

The method writeToFile:atomically is "synchronous". It will write the file and then return YES or NO depending on wether the file was successfully written or not.


That means that the operation is complete as soon as the method returns.

BOOL success = [imageData writeToFile:fullPathToFile atomically:YES];
// Now, the operation is complete
// success indicates whether the file was successfully written or not


06-14 21:14