我现在正在探索 Monotouch(由 Xamarin 提供)的功能以及其他解决方案,例如单交叉?
i am right now exploring the capabilities of Monotouch (by Xamarin) with other solution such asMonocross?
谁能解释一下何时使用 Monotouch 以及何时使用 Monocross.
So can any one explain when to use Monotouch and when to Monocross.
What is the advantage & disadvantage of these framework w.r.t native app development?
Monocross 是一个跨平台的 MVC 框架.作为一个框架,它是开源的.但是您需要为 android 提供 monotouch 或 mono 才能在设备上进行部署.
Monocross is a cross platform MVC framework. As a framework, it's open source. But you need either monotouch or mono for android in order to deploy on the devices.
Those 2 stuffs doesn't compare. They sum up.
使用 Monocross 或 MvvmCross 等工具,您确实获得了一个跨平台的代码共享框架,这就是您使用本地语言编码的优势.
With tools like Monocross or MvvmCross, you really get a crossplatform code sharing framework, and that's your advantage over coding in native languages.
这篇关于Monocross & 之间的区别Monotouch (xamarin)?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!