


I'm building an Android app from a Maven project that is using the android-maven-plugin. In this project I'm using the new beta data-binding library.

它包含在Android SDK的本地m2repository中(extras / android / m2repository)。此存储库中的库打包为aar类型。

It is contained in the local m2repository of the Android SDK (extras/android/m2repository). The libraries in this repository are packaged as type aar.


I can add the dependency in my pom like this:



This seems to work, but the build fails with this:

无法在项目演示中执行目标:无法解决项目com.simpligility.android:demo:apk:1.0.0的依赖关系:未能找到com.android.support:support-v4:jar:21.0 .3 in file:/// Users / eppleton / Java Libraries / android-sdk-macosx / extras / android / m2repository缓存在本地存储库中,直到android-local-extras的更新间隔已经过去才会重新尝试解析或更新被强制 - > [帮助1]

Failed to execute goal on project demo: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.simpligility.android:demo:apk:1.0.0: Failure to find com.android.support:support-v4:jar:21.0.3 in file:///Users/eppleton/Java Libraries/android-sdk-macosx/extras/android/m2repository was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of android-local-extras has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]

这个本地存储库中没有support-v4:jar是正确的,因为API版本20有支持-v4 :反而aar。

It's correct that there is no support-v4:jar in this local repository, since API version 20 there is support-v4:aar instead.


Is there a way to make maven look for the aar instead of the jar?


P.s.: For my own local builds I have several workarounds (e.g. repackaging as jar), but I would prefer a more generic solution, since I want to share the configuration in a maven archetype, and I don't want to require users to do a lot of manual work. Right now this is the best solution I have:



But it's not really nice, transitive dependencies resolved as aar would be much nicer.



OK, found a solution. I can exclude the dependency, and add it again directly as type 'aar':




08-03 22:14