I have a dataset of locations in Lat/Lon format of users in a time period. I would like to calculate the distance these users traveled. Sample dataset:
我曾想过使用自定义聚合器函数,但似乎没有 Python 支持.而且操作需要按特定顺序在相邻点上完成,所以我不知道自定义聚合器是否有效.
I have thought of using a custom aggregator function but it seems there is no Python support for this. Moreover the operations need to be done on adjacent points in a specific order, so I don't know if a custom aggregator would work.
I have also looked at reduceByKey
but the operator requirements don't seem to be met by the distance function.
有没有办法在 Spark 中以高效的方式执行此操作?
Is there a way to perform this operation in an efficient manner in Spark?
It looks like a job for window functions. Assuming we define distance as:
from pyspark.sql.functions import acos, cos, sin, lit, toRadians
def dist(long_x, lat_x, long_y, lat_y):
return acos(
sin(toRadians(lat_x)) * sin(toRadians(lat_y)) +
cos(toRadians(lat_x)) * cos(toRadians(lat_y)) *
cos(toRadians(long_x) - toRadians(long_y))
) * lit(6371.0)
from pyspark.sql.window import Window
w = Window().partitionBy("User").orderBy("Timestamp")
并使用 lag
and compute distances between consecutive observations using lag
from pyspark.sql.functions import lag
df.withColumn("dist", dist(
"longitude", "latitude",
lag("longitude", 1).over(w), lag("latitude", 1).over(w)
After that you can perform standard aggregation.