本文介绍了使用动态块的 aws_security_group 入口块的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想我应该能够做这样的事情.但是端口、协议和 cidrs 的地图是错误的......我如何制作列表地图并在地图上进行交互.

i think I should be able to do something like this. but the map of ports, protocal, and cidrs is wrong... how do I make a map of lists and interate over the map.

variable "master-sg-ingress-ports" {
  //depends_on [aws_security_group.master-lb-sg, aws_security_group.worker-sg]
  description = "List of port numbers for specific security group"
  type        = map(any)

  //  format should be [ sg1 =  [from_port, to_port, protocol, from_ip_cidr] ]  ]
  default     = [ "ingress1" =  [80, 80, "TCP", "0.0.0/0"],
                  "ingress2" =  [80, 80, "TCP", "::0/0"],
                  "ingress3" =  [443, 80, "TCP", ""],
                  "ingress4" =  [443, 80, "TCP", "::0/0"],
                  "ingress5 "=  [0, 0, "-1", ""],]

resource "aws_security_group" "master_sg" {
  depends_on  = [aws_security_group.master_lb_sg, aws_security_group.worker_sg]
  provider    = aws.region_master
  name        = "master-sg"
  description = "security group for Jenkins master"
  vpc_id      = aws_vpc.vpc_master.id

  dynamic "ingress" {
    # this for_each is not identical to for_each in line 21
    for_each = toset(var.master-sg-ingress-ports) # iterator can be (need to be) configured
    iterator = it                                 # set the name of the iterator, which can be any name, but "each" (!!)
    content {
      from_port   = it[0].value
      to_port     = it[1].value
      protocol    = it[2].value
      cidr_blocks = [it[3].value]

terraform init 在 ingress1 下给我以下带有下划线的内容

terraform init is giving me the following with a underline under ingress1

The Terraform configuration must be valid before initialization so that
Terraform can determine which modules and providers need to be installed.
│ Error: Invalid default value for variable
│   on security_groups.tf line 64, in variable "master-sg-ingress-ports":
│   64:   default     = [ "ingress1" =  [80, 80, "TCP", "0.0.0/0"],
│   65:                   "ingress2" =  [80, 80, "TCP", "::0/0"],
│   66:                   "ingress3" =  [443, 80, "TCP", ""],
│   67:                   "ingress4" =  [443, 80, "TCP", "::0/0"],
│   68:                   "ingress5 "=  [0, 0, "-1", ""],].



The correct default value is a map, not a list of maps as you have now. So it should be:

variable "master-sg-ingress-ports" {

  description = "List of port numbers for specific security group"
  type        = map(any)

  default     = { "ingress1" =  [80, 80, "TCP", ""],
                  "ingress2" =  [80, 80, "TCP", "::/0"],
                  "ingress3" =  [443, 80, "TCP", ""],
                  "ingress4" =  [443, 80, "TCP", "::/0"],
                  "ingress5 "=  [0, 0, "-1", ""]}

master_sg 的更新:

resource "aws_security_group" "master_sg" {
 # depends_on  = [aws_security_group.master_lb_sg, aws_security_group.worker_sg]
 # provider    = aws.region_master
  name        = "master-sg"
  description = "security group for Jenkins master"
  vpc_id      = data.aws_vpc.default.id

  dynamic "ingress" {
    # this for_each is not identical to for_each in line 21
    for_each = var.master-sg-ingress-ports
    content {
      from_port   = ingress.value[0]
      to_port     = ingress.value[1]
      protocol    = ingress.value[2]
      cidr_blocks = [ingress.value[3]]

这篇关于使用动态块的 aws_security_group 入口块的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

06-14 14:45