

要实现3ds max中使用的摄像机平移效果,必须具备哪些数学运算法则?

What are the necessary maths to achieve the camera panning effect that's used in 3ds max?

在3ds max中,光标和网格之间的距离在整个移动过程中始终保持相同(mouse_down + mouse_motion + mouse_up).

In 3ds max the distance between the cursor and the mesh will always remain the same throughout the entire movement (mouse_down+mouse_motion+mouse_up).


My naive and failed attempt has been trying to move the camera on the plane XY by using dt (frame time) multiplied by some hardcoded constant and the result is really ugly and uintuitive.


The code I've got so far is:

def glut_mouse(self, button, state, x, y):
    self.last_mouse_pos = vec2(x, y)
    self.mouse_down_pos = vec2(x, y)

def glut_motion(self, x, y):
    pos = vec2(x, y)
    move = self.last_mouse_pos - pos
    self.last_mouse_pos = pos

def pan(self, delta):
    forward = vec3.normalize(self.target - self.eye)
    right = vec3.normalize(vec3.cross(forward, self.up))
    up = vec3.normalize(vec3.cross(forward, right))

    if delta.x:
        right = right*delta.x
    if delta.y:
        up = up*delta.y



Could you explain how the maths of camera panning in 3dsmax work?

@ Rabbid76最初已经回答了我的问题,但是仍然有一种情况,他的算法无法正常工作.从空的空间开始平移的情况不能正确处理(否则,当深度缓冲区的值取far值= 1.0时表示否则).在3dsmax中,无论深度缓冲区的值是什么,在任何情况下都可以正确处理摄影机的摇摄.

My question has already been answered initially by @Rabbid76 but there's still one case where his algorithm won't work properly. It doesn't handle properly the case where you panning is started from empty space (said otherwise, when depth buffer value takes the far value=1.0). In 3dsmax camera panning is handled correctly in all situations, no matter which value of the depth buffer.



In the solution the depth of the object is taken from the depth buffer, at that position, where the mouse click occurs. If this is the "empty space", a position where no object was drawn, the the depth is the maximum of the depth range (in common 1). This leads to a rapid paining.


A solution or workaround would be use the depth of an representative position of the scene. e.g. the origin of the world:

pt_drag = glm.vec3(0, 0, 0)


Of course this may not lead to a proper result in each case. If the objects of the scene are not around the origin of the world, this approach will fail. I recommend to calculate the center of the axis aligned bounding box of the scene. Use this point for the representative "depth":

box_min = ... # glm.vec3
box_max = ... # glm.vec3

pt_drag = (box_min + box_max) / 2


The depth of a point can computed by the transformation with the view and projection matrix and a final perspective divide:

o_clip = self.proj * self.view * glm.vec4(pt_drag, 1)
o_ndc  = glm.vec3(o_clip) / o_clip.w


def glut_mouse(self, button, state, x, y):
    self.drag = state == GLUT_DOWN
    self.last_mouse_pos = glm.vec2(x, self.height-y)
    self.mouse_down_pos = glm.vec2(x, self.height-y)

    if self.drag:
        depth_buffer = glReadPixels(x, self.height-y, 1, 1, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT)
        self.last_depth = depth_buffer[0][0]
        if self.last_depth == 1:
            pt_drag = glm.vec3(0, 0, 0)
            o_clip  = self.proj * self.view * glm.vec4(pt_drag, 1)
            o_ndc   = glm.vec3(o_clip) / o_clip.w
            if o_ndc.z > -1 and o_ndc.z < 1:
                self.last_depth = o_ndc.z * 0.5 + 0.5



The key to a well feeling solution is to find the "correct" depth. At perspective projection the dragging, where the mouse movement effects the object in a 1:1 motion, projected on the viewport, only works correctly for a well defined depth. Objects with different depths are displaced by a different scale when they projected on the viewport, that's the "nature" of perspective.


To find the "correct" depth, there are different possibilities, which depend on your needs:

  • 从深度缓冲区读取当前鼠标位置的深度:
depth_buffer = glReadPixels(x, self.height-y, 1, 1, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT)
self.last_depth = depth_buffer[0][0]

  • 获取深度缓冲区的最小和最大深度(远平面的值除外, 1.0 ),然后计算平均深度.当然,在这种情况下,必须对整个深度缓冲区进行调查:
    • Get the minimum and maximum depth of the depth buffer (except the value for the far plane, 1.0) and calculate the mean depth. Of course the entire depth buffer has to be investigated in this case:
    • d_buf = glReadPixels(0, 0, self.width, self.height, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT)
      d_vals = [float(d_buf[i][j]) for i in range(self.width) for j in range(self.height) if d_buf[i][j] != 1]
      if len(d_vals) > 0:
          self.last_depth = (min(d_vals) + max(d_vals)) / 2

      • 使用世界的起源:
      • pt_drag = glm.vec3(0, 0, 0)
        o_clip  = self.proj * self.view * glm.vec4(pt_drag, 1)
        o_ndc   = glm.vec3(o_clip) / o_clip.w
        if o_ndc.z > -1 and o_ndc.z < 1:
            self.last_depth = o_ndc.z * 0.5 + 0.5

        • 计算场景边界框的中心.

          • Calculating the center of the bounding box of the scene.


            Implement a raycasting, which identifies an object by a ray, which starts at the point of view a runs trough the cursor (mouse) position. This algorithm can be advanced by identifying the object which is "closest" to the ray, when no object is hit.


09-02 12:56